"Our prime purpose in this life is to help others, and if you can't help them, at least don't hurt them." ~Dalai Lama

Monday, April 1, 2013

7 Signs You’re Hooking Up Tonight

7 Signs You’re Hooking Up TonightTrying to score on a night out can be a big undertaking. You have to acquire your target, respectfully woo her and close the deal—all while overcoming obstacles like annoying friends and ever-present cell phones. But it doesn’t have to be so difficult, really. Heighten your senses, take note of some key signals, and you’ll know well before last call whether it’ll be bedtime for two tonight. Here’s what to watch for…

1. Even-keeled imbibing

This is a bit overboard. Not to mention a bit weird.
Observe your new lady friend’s drinking habits. If she barely sips her wine, she’s probably looking to get out of there quickly—and alone. If she downs five tequila shots plus vodka on the rocks, she’s probably passing out the second she hits a bed. But a modest number of drinks accompanied by a fun, tipsy demeanor? That’s a girl with hooking up potential.

2. Touching moments

All good—assuming she doesn’t have painfully sharp toenails.
You can tell a lot from body language (and I don’t mean Heidi Montag’s crash-and-burn musical effort). Pay attention not only to what that girl is saying, but also what she’s doing. Playing footsie under the table? Lightly stroking your upper arm? Leaning in closer than necessary to tell you that story? Those usually aren’t signs of disinterest, ifyouknowwhatImean.

3. Going solo

Tonight, they just wanna dance! Sigh…
Here’s the scenario: You meet a hot girl at the bar, buy her a drink and start chatting. Everything’s going great until her girlfriends approach in a frenzy to tell her they have to get on the dance floor or they’re so over this scene and going home. Lots of girls will say their goodbyes at this point. But if your companion confidently tells her friends to go on without her, chances are she’s planning to go on with you.

4. Tech neglect

Relax, dude. Why not just text her on your imaginary phone?
It’s the era of smart phones—everyone’s on them, all the time, right? Not really. If someone’s engaged enough by another person, they’ll give the iPhone a rest. So if the girl you’re chatting up is ignoring texts, silencing rings or not even looking at her phone, you’re doing an excellent job of holding her attention. Keep doing what you’re doing, and you just might be holding her later.

5. Big primpin’

If you’ve got four hotties dolling up for you, you can probably stop reading this article.
Guys and gals all want to look their best for those they’re interested in and will go to great lengths to do it. So this one is simple: study your lady’s appearance before and after she heads to the bathroom. If she comes back with a new coat of lipstick and her makeup refreshed, she’s probably trying to impress someone—and hopefully it’s not the bartender.

6. Clear eyes, full heart

His game looks solid. If only we could say the same for his drink.
When I got bored in school, I looked everywhere but at my teacher. When I get bored in meetings, I look everywhere but at my boss. Same goes for flirting. If she looks at you when you are talking to her, good sign. But if she’s scanning the joint during your best stories, she’s probably searching for a different scene or a new prospect. Cut your losses and do the same.

7. The look of lust

Looks like she’s checking you out. Then again, looks like he is, too.
So the girl you’re sweet-talking at the bar isn’t really appreciating what you have to offer? Before you get down, look around. Spot a female onlooker taking notice with a long, lingering stare your way, a once-over and a glare her way? Whoever said don’t switch horses in mid-stream never saw an opportunity like this one, my friend. Take it.

Read more: http://www.mademan.com/7-signs-you-are-hooking-up-tonight/#ixzz2PB2hKJTm

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