Things You Didn't Know About Testicles!
During foreplay, lick softly, blow gently and above all don't bite! Be sure to alternate testicles as some men feel more sensation in one or the other. Blow air in the “Wallet Zone” -- where the scrotum rests against his upper thighs. A few puffs there and you'll take his breath away.
Deliver a 10-gasp orgasm by stimulating his perineum, the diamond-shaped strip of skin bridging his testicles to his anus. Use your index finger (no nails!) to gently push up against the perineum and you’ll externally massage his prostate without ever having to enter his back door. Also, try moving your finger in a “come here” motion from back to front and he’ll do just that.
Testicles hang outside of the body because the ideal temperature for sperm production is one to two degrees lower than typical body temperature. When the boys get cold, they snuggle up closer to the body. When they’re hot, they hang lower than Charlie Sheen’s rehabilitation prospects.
Testicles do two things: manufacture sperm (about 100 million per release!) and create testosterone. Depending how high or low it is, a man’s testosterone level explains macho characteristics like muscle mass, facial hair and -- you guessed it -- those hurtful comments.
Testicles elevate just before ejaculation and actually make direct contact with the body at the moment of truth. Interestingly, in approximately 85 percent of men the right testicle rises before the left one. At least partial elevation has to happen or, ahem, the baby will not burp, if you know what we mean.
Try a cool experiment. Next time he’s naked, lightly stroke the inner portion of your partner’s upper thigh with cold hands or a cool object and watch his testicles contract from the touch. This automatic male response is called the “cremasteric reflex,” and is designed to keep the boys out of harm’s way. When the “threat” is over, the testicles will come back to whatever position they feel safe in. (So that explains shrinkage.)
Testicles Can Double In Size During Sex
If he’s having the kind of sex that makes him forget his name, his testicles can increase 50 percent in size before orgasm because the arousal fills them with blood. So remember -- double the pleasure, double the size.
What Goes On In The Sack
There’s quite lot going on beneath the surface. Inside the scrotum are the actual balls, or testes, that are the size and shape of a large olive. At the back of each testicle is the epididymis, a coiled tube that collects and stores, matures and transports sperm to the shaft when a man ejaculates. Such a smart and complex mechanism for someone who constantly forgets to put the toilet seat down.
Testicles don’t have the protection of muscles and bones that most organs have, so they’re particularly vulnerable. A prolonged squeeze can cause a man to black out. A hard strike can sterilize him. While they like a lot of attention during sex, be gentle when you’re handling the family jewels so they’ll have an actual chance of spreading their seed.
Why A Kick In The Groin Will Make Men Hold Their Stomachs
Women have about the same amount of nerve endings in their genitals, but men have more pain receptors. Testicles have nerve endings attached to the stomach -- that’s why when men get kicked in the groin they roll around clutching their stomachs. While the fellows from Jackass may have elevated ball-kicking to an art form, please remember, don’t try this at home.
When a man is aroused for a prolonged period without an orgasm he can cramp up from all the fluid build up. The unpleasantness actually leaves a bluish tint when the blood vessels in the testicles become engorged. An orgasm will release the pain. But then, so will a cold shower. So next time he complains, give him what he desperately needs: a towel.
Men often have asymmetrical testicles where one is bigger or hangs lower. Interestingly, the left testicle is more likely to be larger or hang lower inside the scrotum. Just like women with slightly mismatched breasts or labia that hang asymmetrically, men often have their own genital Picassos.
It Only Takes One To Get You Pregnant
Men can get you pregnant with just one testicle. One healthy testicle can produce enough sperm to fertilize a woman’s eggs… and enough testosterone to get on your nerves.
Why The Boys Are More Sensitive Than The Boss
Penises have more nerve endings but testicles have more pain receptors. Don’t ever grab the boys the way you rub and tug at their boss.
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