As it turns out, your vibrator can help you with something else that will probably really surprise you – it can make you a better singer. Or, technically, improve your vocal range. A new study found that holding a vibrator against your throat can improve your vocal range, projection and power.
Um, yeah. Vibrators can improve your singing. I know… I was left a little speechless, too. I mean, first of all, how did anyone find out about this? Who was having trouble singing one day and thought, “maybe if I hold my vibrator against my throat… yeah, that will totally work.”
Regardless of how ridiculous it sounds, it does work and is considered to be vibration therapy. Dr. David Ley is the professor who came up with this alternate use of popular sex toys. When one of his singer friends had lost her voice, he said he noticed a lot of tension in her throat. He tried holding a vibrator against her throat. The vibrations relax the muscles in the throat and that in turn “eases vocal fatigue and improves the overall sound quality of a voice.”
Sounds pretty crazy, right? Dr. David Ley claims this technique has already helped improve the vocal techniques of 150 singers. Sara Farb, a stage actor from Canada who tested this theory out, claimed that after just one session, the results were “unbelievable.” She said, “That night was my best performance. Not just of that run, but in recent memory.” Sounds pretty legit.
The vibrator doesn’t just help one time, though – Dr. Ley says the results appear to be permanent. He also found that putting the vibrator on different pressure points produced different sounds.
Honestly, this just sounds… crazy. But if it works, I guess that’s a good thing, right? It looks like vibrators aren’t just for masturbating anymore. Still, I’d suggest buying a separate one if you’re going to be using it to improve your vocal sound. I feel like using just one for, ahem, everything isn’t very sanitary.
If you’re a singer, would you ever try vibration therapy? Have you ever? Do you think this sounds crazy or pretty legit?
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