Can I tell you guys a secret? Before I started dating my current boyfriend, I was the biggestdating gossiper ever. I shared every detail and every moment of every single date I went on with all of my friends. Nothing was sacred. At first, it was fun to bond with my friends over that stuff… until I started letting all of their opinions, thoughts and conspiracy theories get to me. Soon, I was making huge decisions based on what my friends said… and obviously, it wasn’t working. So when I met my BF, I decided to do things a little differently. For once in my life, I started keeping some very important secrets to myself.
Now, I don’t usually condone keeping secrets (do I have to say it? Secrets, secrets are no fun; unless you share with everyone) because it makes people feel left out and sometimes I feel like it causes tension between people. But in the case of making a relationship work, I have to say that there are some things that you should just keep to yourself… unless you guys break up, of course. Then you can have all the little gossiping sessions you want.
But seriously, there are some relationship secrets you can’t spill if you want to make your relationship work. Trust me, I know how hard it can be to try to resist filling in your BFF on all of the juicy details, but I promise you these tips will make your bond with your boyfriend even better. Take it from someone who experimented with this herself: there are just some things best left between you and your significant other. Check out these seven secrets you need to keep in order to make your relationship work:
Anything About His Penis
How would you feel if your boyfriend told all of his friends what your vagina looks like? Probably not good. I don't care how many times your friends ask how big his thing is... it's not their business. And I mean, do you really want your friends to know the intimate details of your boyfriend's penis? No. You don't.
Whenever He Cries
Most guys aren't big fans of crying. For some reason, it makes them feel emasculated. And while that may be weird to you, you still need to respect it. If a dude cries in front of you, it means he's really opening up to you and probably means he trusts you. So don't immediately run to your friends to tell them about his tears. If he ever finds out, he'll be super embarrassed and probably pretty angry.
All The Details Of Your Last Fight
If there's one thing I've learned over the years, it's that some fights are best kept between two people. You might desperately want advice from your friends, but sometimes you need to work things out on your own, or with your BF, without getting an outsider's opinion. Unless your fight was huge, your friends don't need a play-by-play... and you don't always need to hear what they have to say about it.
Whether Or Not You've Said I Love You
One of my least favorite questions for my friends to ask is: "So... do you guys say I love you?" Um, hello, that's personal! Whenever you and your guy choose to say those three little words is up to you two. You don'thave to keep it a secret, but you also don't have to tell everyone.
The Cute Inside Jokes You And Your Beau Share
I hate to break this to you, but... no one really cares about inside jokes except for the people involved. Spare your BFF the deets on that adorable, funny thing you and your BF can't stop laughing about. She's not going to get it (that's the whole point of an inside joke) and it's probably just going to bum you out. Also? Inside jokes with your boyfriend are cute and help you bond. No need to get others in on it.
Sexy Stuff You Do In Bed
I know how much fun it is to dish on your sexy adventures with your BFFs. But talking about a hookup who didn't really mean anything is one thing... talking about stuff you and your BF do together is another thing. Hooking up with a dude you really care about and love is a personal experience and not something that needs to be shared.
Personal Stuff About His Past
If your guy decided to share some personal stuff with you, you have no right to tell anyone else. Whether it's about his family, an old heartbreak or just something tough he's had to go through, he probably doesn't want all of your friends to be clued in too. He's opening up to you because he trusts you, and going behind his back to spill on his secrets is lame. It doesn't matter if you're trying to get your friends to know him better - if he wants them to know, he'll them himself.
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