As a certified awkward/shy girl (seriously, it became official when I won Most Shy in high school), I know how hard it can be to learn how to flirt. When I was in high school, my idea of flirting was to stare at a guy until he noticed and then turn away and blush a lot and never mention it again. Obviously it never worked.
Luckily, times have changed and one of the easiest ways to flirt has got to be
via text messaging. Why is it so great? If you’re a shy girl like myself, or if you just get weird around your crush,
text messages allow you to sort of hide behind technology as you flirt. Flirting through your phone instead of being right in front of the person may let you open up a little bit more and say things you
wouldn’t normally say. It’s more comfortable – for me, at least.
Still, if you’re not great a flirting, it’s not always automatically easier when text messages get involved. So how do you flirt through text messages? I’ve got some tips that should help you out and hopefully give you the confidence to start flirting in, you know, real life. Check it out:
Use A Cute Nickname
Let's face it: saying just a simple "hey" is boring and safe. That's how you text your mom! Instead, try something a little more personal. Call him by a nickname you have for him, if you have one. Or try saying something a little bit more flirty. You don't have to jump right into "Hey babe/cutie/hottie/baby" if you're uncomfortable. A simple "Hey you" is sweet and has a flirty air to it without being too over-the-top. Try it out and see how he responds.
No One-Word Answers!
Stay away from one-word answers like "nope," "yup," or "cool." Not only are these the most boring texts in the world, but they're also the most annoying. How is anyone supposed to respond to that?! One-word answers stall the conversation and can potentially make it stop altogether. You might think they make it seem like you're playing hard-to-get, but they don't - they just make it seem like you have no interest in talking to the dude at all. If you have nothing to say, try changing the subject by asking him a question (more on that later) or telling him something funny (more on that later too). For example, if he says, "Do you have bio tomorrow?" say something like "Yup! What classes do you have?"
Compliment Him
You love a good compliment, right? Well, so do guys - and there's no reason why you can't give your crush one, especially if you're trying to flirt. You don't have to go crazy and be like, "OMG you looked so hot today ;)" if you're not ready for something like that. It can be a more simple compliment, like "haha, you're so funny!" or "You have a nice smile." Stuff like this will make it clear to him that you're interested - and that's the whole point of flirting, right?
Ask Him Questions
Questions are a biggie when it comes to text messages. It's easy for a conversation to slow down and it's normal for a convo to get a little bit awkward sometimes. The best way to keep it going is to ask your crush about himself. People love talking about themselves in general and showing a dude that you want to get to know him is good when you're trying to flirt. Your texts don't need to turn into a game of 20 Questions where you learn about his entire life, but you can ask him stuff like "What are you doing tomorrow?" or "What did you think about that English test?"
Joke Around A Lot
It's super easy for a text message conversation to get boring, fast. And once it's a snooze fest, do you think the guy is really going to keep texting you? Probably not. Keep things light and interesting by joking around. I'm not saying you need to be a comedian or anything like that, but make little jokes once in a while. The good thing about texting is that you have more time to think of a funny comeback or retort than you do in real life, so you can show off how witty and awesome you are. Also, "LOL" and "haha" are great to throw in there, but don't start using them in every single sentence, like "LOL my friend said the same thing haha" because that's just sort of annoying.

Take Advantage of emoticons
Don't be afraid of emoticons or emojis (in iPhone world). These little guys are great to add into almost any sentence to give it more of a flirty edge. For example, you can turn a boring old "hi" into something flirty by adding a winky face. You can add a smiley face to anything to make it seem less serious. For example, if you're asking him to hang, say something like, "Want to do our homework together tomorrow? :)" The smiley face adds a little something
Don't Over-Text
Sometimes it may take a while for your crush to text you back - don't panic! There are a million things he could be doing and it doesn't always mean he's ignoring you. If 30 minutes goes by with no answer to your cute text, don't send him another one like "you there?" and the another one 20 minutes later like "answer me!" and then another one in an hour just simply being like "??" That's annoying and I'm sure you would hate it if you picked up your phone after 45 minutes and found four text messages from some dude, no matter how much you liked him. Give him space to answer on his own.

Don't Resort To Sexting
Sorry girls, but sexting is a no-no. Do I really need to go into the reasons why? Okay, I will a little bit. Your crush can have those sexy pics on his phone forever and has the ability to show them to whoever he wants. Don't send him a naked picture to get his attention, whether he asks for it or not. You shouldn't shy away from pics altogether - sending one once in a while of your dog being cute or you smiling is okay - but stay away from sexting. It's just almost always a bad idea.
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