As women, there are certain things we enjoy hearing. “Have you lost weight?” ranks up there pretty high while the fear of hearing “When are you due?” from a total stranger makes even the fittest females put down the baby doll dress and run for cover. But when it comes to love and relationships, there are a few key phrases that melt our hearts almost every time. What follows are five of the most amazing things a woman wants to hear from the man she’s seriously smitten with. See which ones make your own top five list.
1. “I Love You.”
Even the savviest single melts at the thought of hearing her man utter those three little words. You imagine where the two of you will be and what you’ll be doing at the magical moment. And while it’s all the more likely that your guy will say those magic words for the first time at a less than perfectly romantic moment (when you’re puking your guts out thanks to a nasty stomach flu while he holds your hair, or when you’ve just completed a 10K run with your hottie and you’re a sweaty, heaving mess, etc.), the experience will bring on those butterflies nonetheless.
Your knees may even get a little weak (especially if it’s after the 10K!). And while the first time a guy says it will rock your world, when you’ve found the real love deal, it’s more than likely that the 100th time he says it will make you just as dizzy. Now that’s something to look forward to!
2. “You’re Right.”
Be honest. Who doesn’t love hearing those two little words? When the guy you’re seeing can cop to the fact that you may know more than he does about a particular subject, do you get this buzz of adrenaline that’s almost as juicy as feeling in love? While it’s perfectly natural to dig being right, it’s not so smart to always have to be right. In fact, if you’re the type of woman who insists on being right all the time, your alpha tendencies may cause conflict between you and your perfect partner down the road.
Instead of always needing to be right, why not strive for always being happy? That means letting your partner win a debate now and then. It also means letting your guy take the driver’s seat, steering the relationship at least part of the time. It also means sometimes sucking it up, smiling at your partner, and saying, “You’re right.” Not only will it not kill you to say it, but it will most likely make your partner a wee bit happier for having heard you say it. Talk about a win-win!
3. “You’re Perfect for Me.”
As a savvy single, having a positive self image is essential. However, with the constant media focus on attaining skinny, gorgeous, perfect looks, it’s all too easy to fall prey to insecurities and uncertainty. But by channeling the very best version of yourself, warts and all when dating, you’re all the more likely to find, attract, and keep the right partner for you. Plus, by celebrating your fabulous quirky self, you greatly increase the likelihood of hearing those four fab words from a super cool catch: “You’re perfect for me.” Love that!
4. “I Do”
You don’t have to be marriage-minded since birth to appreciate the significance of these two little words. However, if you’ve been dreaming of the day your perfect partner says these words aloud to you, know that you’re not alone. Exchanging vows with the man you love is a major milestone in a woman’s life.
If it’s something you aspire to experience, that’s fantastic! Just be sure that on the road to happily ever after, you keep your focus on creating a future with your perfect partner, rather than get caught up in who’s wearing what, how many guests will attend, and what the flowers look like. Those details will fade in importance while choosing the right person to spend your life with will always hold significance.
5. “You’re Hired.”
While it’s not dating conversation, these two little words are music to an independent woman’s ears nonetheless. After all, on the journey towards happily ever after, boyfriends come and go. But career is an ever-evolving adventure. By staying motivated, working hard, and always putting your best foot forward, you pave the way for ongoing career success. And when you see a job you want? You’ll be confident enough to passionately pursue it. Up next? Hearing those two little words, a.k.a. “You’re hired.” When you do, you’ll know what a rock star you really are!
So there you have it — five of the most amazing things a woman hopes to hear in her life. How many of them make your top five list? How many of them have you already heard? And how many do you aspire to hear in 2009? Give yourself permission to dream big this year. You never know when you’ll hear those magic words you’ve been dreaming of.
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