"Our prime purpose in this life is to help others, and if you can't help them, at least don't hurt them." ~Dalai Lama

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Eat right for your blood type

Diet golongan darah AB

Diet golongan darah AB
Golongan darah AB, menurut D’Adamo disebut sebagai the enigma (teka-teki, misterius). Golongan darah AB merupakan jenis golongan darah yang terakhir berevolusi, berasal kira kira 1.000 tahun yang lalu. Dalam hal kebutuhan makanan, gologan darah AB diperlakukan sebagai golongan darah yang yang merupakan perantara antara golongan darah A dan B.Orang dengan golongan darah AB memiliki sifat cerdik dan kreatif, memiliki pemikiran yang baik untuk bisnis, mudah bergaul dengan orang. Dalam diet golongan darah, olahraga yang cocok untuk diet golongan darah O ini adalah yoga atau pilates sekali dalam seminggu, Jogging ringan dapat pula dilakukan dengan intensitas yang lebih sering.

Menu diet golongan darah AB
Profile diet: Menyesuaikan dengan berbagai jenis makanan.
Sangat Bermanfaat (makanan yang mempunyai efek sebagai obat untuk diet golongan darah AB):
Ikan sardin, the hijau, ikan tuna, susu kambing, putih telur (ayam), keju ricotta, krim asam (rendah kalori), anggur merah, Daging (kalkun,domba, kelinci).

Netral (makanan yang tidak bereaksi apapun untuk diet golongan darah AB):
kacang merah, roti beras, bayam, brokoli, selada, mentimun, labu, kentang, sawi, mangga, Cumi-cumi, ikan mas, kacang buncis, tepung beras, ikan tuna, mentega, keju, telur ayam, melon, jeruk, pir, kurma, jambu biji.

Kesemek, Daging (sapi, kerbau, ayam, bebek, angsa, babi, rusa kuda), lobster, kepiting, kodok, mentega, acar, jagung, belimbing, delima, minuman beralkohol, saus tomat, kopi, soda, jambu biji, mangga, kacang hitam, Es krim, telor bebek, pare, pisang, kelapa.

Diet golongan darah B

Masih ulasan menarik dari D’Adamo tentang diet golongan darah B. Orang yang mempunyai golongan darah ini  diklasifikasikan sebagai tipe nomad (pengembara) dan berkembang dari 10000 tahun lalu. Karena orang yang mempunyaigolongan darah B memiliki kekebalan tubuh yang sangat kuat. Selain karena sistem pencernaan yang bersifat fleksibel.

Orang yang mempunyai golongan darah B dapat berkembang dengan baik hanya menggunakan susu. Untuk sifat yang dimiliki, orangnya cenderung bekerja cepat tanpa bertele-tele. Praktis dan cenderung egois. Olahraga yang paling pas dilakukan adalah latihan moderat, seperti balet, menari, dan oalhraga menggunakan tubuh dan otak.

Menu Diet Golongan Darah B

Makanan yang bermanfaat dan disarankan untuk diet golongan darah B:
• Kembang kol, terung, brokoli, ubi, wortel, bubur gandum
• Minuman teh hijau, susu sapi, keju
• Kambing, domba, kelinci,rusa, ikan laut  
• Kue beras, roti essene.

Makanan yang bersifat netral atau tidak mempunyai efek terhadap diet untuk orang yang bergolongan darah B: 
• Telur ayam, Cumi-cumi, ikan mas, ikan tuna, mentega,keju
• Mentimun,  melon, labu, mangga, jeruk, pir, kurma, jambu biji.
• Bayam, brokoli, selada, kentang, sawi, tepung beras 
• Sapi, kerbau, kalkun, hati anak sapi, roti beras
• Kacang merah, kacang buncis

Makanan dan minuman pantangan yang harus dihindari bagi pelaku diet golongan darah B
• Bebek, ayam, angsa, belibis, babi, kuda, keong, kepiting, siput, belut, kodok, gurita, lobster 
• Telur (bebek, angsa, puyuh)
• Kacang tanah, roti gandum, pare, belimbing, pir.
• Tomat, waluh, jagung, delima, kelapa/santan, kesemek,
• Air soda, minuman beralkohol avokad, es krim.

Itulah beberapa hal tentang seputar masalah diet golongan darah B, semoga bisa menjadi referensi untuk anda.

Diet golongan darah A

Cara diet golongan darah A bagi yang menganut tipe diet jenis golongan darah tertentu. Golongan darah tipe A diketahui pada zaman pertanian sekitar 20000 tahun yang lalu. Sehingga D'Adamo menyebut golongan darah A sebagai kelompok cultivator (penggarap tanah dan bercocok tanam). Bagi mereka yang  bergolongan darah A direkomendasikan untuk memperbanyak makanan yang vegetarian (lebih memperbanyak sayuran dari pada daging). 

Sifat bawaan, orang dengan golongan darah Aakan lebih kreatif, sensitif, dan ulet dalam menghadapi masalah. Kesehatan badan seperti olahraga perlu dilakukan, adapun olahraganya seperti tai chi, berjalan,  yoga, dan mengutamakan olahraga diluar rumah agar terkena sinar matahari. Namun baik dilakukan setiap pagi hari dengan waktu cukup 30 menit.

Jenis makanan diet golongan darah A

Menu diet golongan darah A
• Bayam, brokoli, wortel,Siput,tempe,
• Jenis kacang: kacang tanah,kacang buncis,kacang/susu kedelai, 
• Tahu,ikan mas,ikan sardine, 
• Jus nanas, mangga, pisang, jeruk limau & sitrun, bluberi,

Menu netral, tidak ada efek samping atau manfaat tertentu:
• Ikan tuna, telur puyuh, telur ayam & bebek 
• Biji wijen, labu, bawang merah, kacang ercis / kapri, jagung, tapioka
• Mentimun, talas, anggur, melon, blewah, pir, delima, kiwi, kurma, strowberi, kesemek, jambu biji,biji bunga matahari, ayam, burung unta, belibis, kalkun, burung dara. 

Menu pantangan diet golongan darah A yang sebaiknya dihindari:
• Daging (sapi, angsa, kelinci, ayam hutan, kerbau, domba, bebek), 
• Lobster, belut, kodok, gurita, kepiting, udang, cumi-cumi
• Es krim, susu, murni, kelapa/santan, susu sapi, air soda.
• Melon madu, pisang raja, pepaya, acar, jeruk
• Terung, tomat, ubi, keju, kentang, mentega, pare.

Itulah beberapa cara diet golongan darah A serta jenis menu diet untuk orang yang bergolongan darah tersebut.

Diet golongan darah O

Menarik, diet golongan darah Omungkin anda pernah mendengar tentang jenis diet ini. Diet golongan darah terjadi akibat rekasi kimia dalam darah karena pengaruh nutrisi makanan yang kita makan. Perbedaan faktor gen dan warisan keturunan darah membuat reaksi kimia berbeda antara golongan darah yang satu dengan yang lainnya. Dalam kinerja reaksi tersebut, makanan yang masuk dalam darah berubah menjadi partikel lektim beragam protein yang kemudian menyatu mengalutinasi dan mempengaruhi kinerja darah. Adanya ketidak cocokan antara makanan yang dimakan karena mengandung lektin protein yang tidak sesuai dengan tipe antigen darah.

Diet golongan darah O

Golongan darah O atau kelompok hunter (Pemburu). Dalam bukunya D’Adamo golongan darah ini pertama kali muncul di muka bumi dan sebagai golongan darah pertama yaitu berasal dari 30000 tahun yang lalu. Diet golongan darah O merupakan cara diet dengan protein tinggi.

Kecenderungan orang bergolongan darah O bersifat kreatif dengan berbagai prestasi, dan mempunyai kemampuan terorganisir. Bagi mereka yang melakukan diet, olahraga yang paling tepat dengan latihan kardio seperti jogging, bersepeda, jalan cepat dan berenang. Olahraga ini dapat dilakukan setiap hari dan lebih efektif dilakukan pada pagi hari.

Makanan Diet Golongan Darah O
* Jahe,kailan,kunyit,bumbu kari,semua jenis bawang.
* Daging(sapi,kerbau,rusa,domba,anak sapi) 
* Brokoli,ubi,waluh,selada,cabe china,rumput laut,ganggang laut.
* Blueberi, ceri,jambu biji, kacang merah, kacang polong. 

Menu netral (tidak berpengaruhnya)
* Ikan mas, belut, lobster, ikan tuna, ikan sardine, udang.
* Bubur gandum, beras, kue beras, roti beras, tepung gandum. 
* Telur ayam, telur bebek, mentega, tempe, tahu, susu kedelai.
* Kacang hitam, merah, buncis, kedelai, terung, tomat, labu, 
* Daging ayam, bebek, kambing, angsa, kalkun, kelinci.

Makanan Pantangan Diet Golongan Darah O
* Daging babi.
* Kacang tanah, kacang mede, kuaci, laichi, minyak kelapa, minyakjagung, kecap.
* Kentang, mentimun, kembang kol,jagung, jamur, blewah, bunga brokoli.
* Kerang, kodok, gurita, penyu,cumi-cumi,sotong.
* Telur (angsa, puyuh).
* Es krim,keju,susu sapi,yoghurt(semua jenis),kopi,minuman keras.
* Jeruk mandarin, pisang raja, pare, anggur putih.

Mungkin anda termasuk dalam golongan darah ini, semoga tips diet golongan darah O ini akan sedikit membantu.

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Apa yang Menyebabkan Sulitnya Berhenti Merokok?

Apa yang Menyebabkan Sulitnya Berhenti Merokok?
- Jika saja berhenti merokok semudah mengatakannya, pasti sudah banyak yang bisa berhenti merokok. Meski sadar rokok itu berbahaya, tapi selalu ada alasan yang membuat perokok kembali lagi pada kebiasaan buruknya. Lalu, apa sih alasan para perokok sulit untuk berhenti merokok?
Dikutip detikHealth, ada dua alasan yang membuat perokok sulit lepas dari rokok, yaitu karena kecanduan dan kebiasaan. Nikotin punya efek candu yang sangat besar sehingga tak heran jika para perokok mengeluh sulit sekali berhenti merokok. Ketika seseorang merokok, partikel-partikel nikotin akan masuk ke dalam paru-paru. Nikotin kemudian akan diserap oleh darah, sama halnya seperti oksigen yang dihirup saat bernafas. Perjalanan nikotin dalam darah akhirnya sampai pada otak, yang kemudian mengaktifkan hormon dopamin untuk dilepaskan.
Dopamin adalah zat kimia yang membuat seseorang merasakan sensasi enak, nyaman dan tenang. Itulah yang membuat perokok sulit berhenti, karena ia kecanduan rasa enak dan nyaman tersebut. Ia lebih memilih merasakan perasaan senang sesaat daripada efek kesehatan jangka panjangnya. Ketika pecandu rokok ingin berhenti merokok, ia akan mengalami gejala seperti sakit kepala, pusing, mual-mual, bergetar, batuk, mulut kering, pusing-pusing, lemah, sakit perut, lapar, insomnia bahkan frustasi.
Oleh sebab itu, banyak perokok yang sulit berhenti karena menghindari gejala-gejala tersebut. Selain efek candu, faktor kebiasaan sangat mempengaruhi perokok. Sekali orang mengenal rokok, maka sebagian besar hidupnya akan dihantui perasaan ingin merokok.Awalnya mereka menikmati rasanya memegang rokok, lama kelamaan akan terasa janggal jika tidak ada rokok di tangannya.
Langkah yang dilakukan perokok untuk menghentikan kebiasaan merokok biasanya dengan mencari teman yang punya keinginan sama untuk berhenti merokok, melakukan latihan pernafasan dan mengganti kegiatan merokok dengan kegiatan lain yang lebih bermanfaat. 
Namun jika semua itu tidak berhasil menjauhkan seseorang dari rokok, mungkin bisa menggunakan teknik hypnotherapy, akupunktur, laser terapi, permen karet nikotin, rokok herbal, permen nikotin pelega tenggorokan, dan teknik lainnya. Dengan kemauan yang kuat dan strategi yang benar, tidak ada yang tidak bisa dilakukan, termasuk berhenti merokok.

Pelajari Dulu Hal Ini Sebelum Menikah

Jangan Ungkap Gaji Anda kepada Calon Suami
TRIBUNNEWS.COM, JAKARTA - Jika Anda berpikir untuk menikah dengan seseorang, mungkin ada beberapa hal yang bisa menjadi pertimbangan apakah dia benar-benar bersedia menikah dengan Anda.
Mau tahu hal apa sajakah itu? Coba simak apa yang perlu Anda ketahui:
1. Ekstra membantu
Jika ia tiba-tiba berminat untuk membantu Anda melakukan hal-hal kecil seperti mencuci piring, membereskan pakaian atau tempat tidur, itu mungkin caranya mencoba membuktikan bahwa ia calon suami atau istri yang baik. Ia ingin Anda menyadari kemampuannya dalam hal domestik.
2. Berbicara tentang kemampuan diri
Tiap pasangan pastinya akan sering menunjukkan kemampuan mereka ketika hendak meminang atau dipinang kekasihnya. Psikolog sekaligus penulis buku Crazy Good Sex, Les Parrot, PhD mengatakan kebanyakan pria ingin merasa mampu dihadapan pasangannya walaupun terkadang harus membual sedikit.
3. Berlaku seperti pertama kali kencan
Ingatlah tingkahnya beberapa minggu terakhir. Jika ia berlaku seperti waktu pertama kali kencan dengan Anda itu bisa menjadi pertanda dia benar-benar gembira telah meminta Anda menikah dengannya. Penulis buku 'Why Hasn't He Proposed?' Tamsen Fadal berpendapat itu cara seseorang memastikan bahwa bila saatnya tiba pasangannya akan menjawab 'Ya'.
4. Sering bertanya
Parrot mengatakan ketika ingin menikahi seseorang, pasangannya akan lebih sering bertanya sampai ke hal kecil sekalipun seperti masa kanak-kanaknya, hal-hal favoritnya dan sebagainya. Itu karena ia ingin mengetahui lebih dalam soal Anda dan menjadi pribadi yang lebih atau bermakna bagi pasangannya.
5. Lebih mendetail
Menuju hari besar, setiap pasangan akan bersikap lebih mendetail. Perasaan cemas ini muncul karena ia gugup menanti hari itu muncul.

Tujuh Hal Tidak Diketahui Tentang Seks Pasangan Menikah

7 Healthy Reasons to Have Sex — Tonight!
Kita semua tahu bahwa keintiman fisik penting dalam mengelola sebuah hubungan yang sehat serta menyenangkan, dan ketidakhadiran seks di antara pasangan mengisyaratkan tanda-tanda kelainan dan keterpisahan. Melalui beragam studi, peneliti menunjukkan bahwa lebih banyak seks pada pasangan menikah, mereka lebih berbahagia, dan semakin kecil kemungkinan mereka bercerai. 

Namun apa standar “normal” atau “rata-rata” bagi pasangan, dan bagaimana hal itu berubah ketika usia bertambah dan bergerak melalui beragam perubahan kehidupan, seperti memiliki anak? 

Oleh Tracey Gaughran-Perez

Para orangtua berusaha agar tetap seks tetap menarik

Sebuah studi pada 2012 mengungkapkan, pasangan yang menjadi orangtua memiliki kemungkinan lebih besar untuk melakukan seks spontan (54 persen), seks di tempat-tempat yang berbeda (45 persen), dan menggunakan vibrator (34 persen), dibandingkan pasangan tanpa anak. Siapa bilang menikah dengan anak berarti masuk ke dalam kehidupan seks yang merosot?    

Seks itu penting

Menurut Durex Sexual Wellbeing Global Survey (2010), 60 persen responden mengatakan seks merupakan bagian vital dalam kehidupan. Namun, hanya 44 persen yang mengaku puas dengan kehidupan seks mereka.

Wanita bercinta untuk... alasan “menarik”

Sebanyak 84 persen wanita mengakui berhubungan seks dengan pasangan agar suami mau melakukan pekerjaan rumah. Ian Kerner, pakar seks dan hubungan yang bekerja dengan Woman’s Day pada sebuah statistik survei mengenai seks pada 2012, berkomentar bahwa “studi-studi menunjukkan wanita kemungkinan lebih tertarik dalam seks jika rumah dalam kondisi bersih, jadi hal ini seharusnya cukup memotivasi pria untuk mengambil tangkai pel dan juga mencuci piring.”

Frekuensi seks menurun seiring usia
Menurut Kinsey Institute, pasangan menikah rata-rata berhubungan seks 2,2 kali dalam sepekan pada usia 30 tahun, namun rata-rata hanya satu kali dalam sepekan pada usia 50.  

Pria lebih banyak orgasme dibandingkan wanita
Tidak mengejutkan, dan sangat disayangkan, bahwa studi yang sama menemukan fakta 91 persen pria dilaporkan orgasme saat hubungan seks terakhir mereka, dibandingkan hanya dengan 64 persen pada kelompok wanita. Mungkin hal ini menjelaskan mengapa hanya 44 persen wanita puas dengan kehidupan seks mereka? 

Cepat itu lumrah
Kinsey juga menemukan bahwa, sebagian besar kita, menganggap durasi tidaklah penting, karena sebanyak 65 persen seks pasangan menikah bertahan kurang dari lima menit. Saya tidak tahu dengan Anda, namun saya menyalahkan anak-anak. Hanya bercanda ;)

Seks lebih baik dengan seseorang yang Anda cintai

National Survey of Sexual Health and Behavior yang dilakukan Indiana University menemukan bahwa sebagian besar seks yang memuaskan, seks yang berujung pada orgasme, lebih sering dicapai oleh pria dan wanita ketika sedang berhubungan dengan pasangan romantis yang saling berkomitmen. Tampaknya gembar-gembor seks santai atau "friends with benefits” kebanyakan hanya dilebih-lebihkan.

Selain Cinta, Wajib Tahu 5 Hal Ini Sebelum Menikah

Selain Cinta, Wajib Tahu 5 Hal Ini Sebelum Menikah
Selain menjawab pertanyaan penting seputar mengapa dia orang yang kamu pilih, apakah benar dia pasangan yang kamu harapkan, merefleksi kembali kelebihan dan kekurangannya, termasuk kesiapan berhadapan dengan perbedaan prinsip dan cara pandang, ada hal penting yang wajib dipersiapkan: mental, kesehatan, keuangan, investasi, termasuk masa depan pekerjaanmu.
Sudahkah siap secara mental?
Kesiapan mental. Ketika memutuskan menikah, artinya kamu harus siap menerima pasangan, hidup bersama pasangan dalam satu atap, juga menjalin relasi baik dengannya. Yang kamu perlukan di sini adalah kematangan psikologis agar lebih mudah menjalin komunikasi, menerima keadaan, dan lebih dewasa mengelola konflik atau masalah, ungkap psikolog Lisnawati dari Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta (UMS). Aktivis perempuan dan anak, Rabiah Al Adawiyah, juga  mengatakan tak cuma legal secara agama atau negara, pernikahan harus dilaksanakan dengan persiapan matang, baik kesiapan fisik, mental, maupun perekonomian yang memadai. “Jangan hanya ikut tren dan asal halal, perlu dipikirkan persiapannya,” ungkapnya.
Kesiapan lain adalah soal menerima anggota keluarga baru yang juga harus diperhatikan. Bagian ini cukup sulit, tapi tak ada pilihan selain belajar menyayangi keluarga pasanganmu sama seperti menyayangi keluarga sendiri. Ingat, perlakuan berbeda sangat mungkin menimbulkan kecemburuan, jadi bersikaplah adil. Tak berhenti di sana, memutuskan menikah, kamu pun harus fokus membangun keluarga kecil, yang artinya mengurangi waktu dan perhatian di luar permasalahan rumah tangga, seperti pekerjaan, teman-teman, bahkan hobi. Saatnya bertanggung jawab pada keputusan besar yang sudah kamu pilih, dan lagi-lagi, butuh mental yang kuat di masa awal penyesuaian status barumu nanti.
Penting: premarital medical check up!
Hal ini penting, tapi kerap disepelekan. Menjelang pernikahan, sangat perlu memeriksakan kesehatanmu dan pasangan, termasuk mengecek kesuburan masing-masing plus melakukan imunisasi. Yang paling umum dilakukan adalah pemeriksaan TORCH: Toxoplasmosis, Other (syphilis), Rubella, Cytomegalovirus (CMV), dan Herpes simplex virus (HSV). Sebagian orang menganggap bagian ini tak penting, padahal sikap saling terbuka masalah kesehatan masing-masing, menurut dr. Frizar Irmansyah dari RS Pusat Pertamina, sangatlah dibutuhkan. Fungsinya, antara lain, mencegah penularan penyakit, mendeteksi kelainan bawaan, sampai mengecek kebugaran masing-masing.
Tes kesehatan sebenarnya bisa dilakukan kapan pun, tapi yang membedakan dengan tes pra-menikah adalah hasilnya yang berpengaruh juga pada pasangan, dan calon anak. “Hal ini pada akhirnya juga menjadi pembuktian cinta, masih mau menerima atau tidak setelah mengetahui kondisi kesehatan pasangan,” jelas dr. Frizar.
Bekal finansial masih menjadi kebutuhan utama
Masalah keuangan dan harta memang paling sensitif. Namun, siap berumah tangga, siap pula mengorek-korek bagian yang satu ini. Seorang teman mengaku sempat mengalami kebingungan saat akan memutuskan membeli rumah atau mobil lebih dulu ketika akan menikah. “Kalau membeli rumah dulu kami bingung bagaimana dengan transportasi ke kantor. Padahal, dengan uang yang kami punya hanya mampu membeli rumah di pinggir Jakarta. Nah, kalau membeli kendaraan dulu, kami tak punya tempat tinggal,” ungkapnya. Teman lain memimpikan bisa mandiri dalam hal segalanya, tak cuma finansial. “Di mana-mana pasangan menikah maunya memiliki rumah sendiri, pisah dari orangtua. Itu juga yang menjadi mimpiku saat ini,” jelasnya.
Menikah tak semudah meresmikan hubungan di mata agama maupun hukum. Hidup bersama memiliki persoalan yang jauh lebih rumit dari hal itu, karena banyak yang mesti direncanakan dengan matang. Perencana keuangan Felicia Imansyah dari Taatadana Consulting menegaskan, masa awal pernikahan merupakan masa penting pembangunan pondasi keuangan keluarga untuk masa mendatang datang karena makin lama kebutuhan keluarga akan semakin kompleks dengan bertambahnya anak, usia, dan kebutuhan hidup. Untuk itu, berusahalah untuk bisa menghidupi diri sendiri, baru memutuskan berumah tangga dan berbagi rezeki bersama, agar bisa lebih bijak dalam mengelola keuangan dan kebutuhan. Mengerti bagaimana perjuangan mendapatkan rezeki, mengerti pula cara memanfaatkannya dengan baik. Masalah fasilitas apa yang akan lebih dulu dimiliki, semua kembali pada kebutuhan masing-masing. Segala keputusan lebih baik dibicarakan bersama pasangan, dan yang terpenting, sesuai anggaran yang ada.
Membuat tabungan masa depan
Perencana keuangan dari Prime Planner, Muhamad Ichsan, mengusulkan tiap pasangan menyisihkan uang sebagai bekal di masa tua, memenuhi kebutuhan jangka panjang maupun kebutuhan tak terduga yang membutuhkan dana tak sedikit. “Kita juga harus mulai memikirkan tabungan untuk masa depan. Tak cuma untuk aku dan suami dan dana cadangan yang bisa dipakai sewaktu-waktu, tapi juga dana untuk calon anak kami,” ujar seorang teman lain yang kini tengah mengandung anak pertamanya. Dana untuk sang anak pun tak main-main, dia dan sang suami sudah menyiapkan asuransi dan investasi. Nantinya, dana tersebutlah yang bisa dipakai untuk biaya persalinan sampai pendidikan. “Aku juga menyiapkan dana untuk kedua anakku dalam bentuk investasi emas. Berjaga-jaga kalau suatu saat kami kurang beruntung, tak bisa membiayai hidup, mereka sudah punya dana yang menjamin kesejahteraan mereka,” jelas teman lain yang sudah 4 tahun menikah dan memiliki 2 orang anak.
Nasib karier setelah status baru disandang
Banyak kasus, perempuan meninggalkan pekerjaannya setelah menikah, atau setelah melahirkan anak pertama. Ini dilakukan untuk memprioritaskan keluarga ketimbang pekerjaan. Tak sedikit pula yang tetap berkomitmen meneruskan karier dan mencari nafkah untuk membantu suami. Yang harus diingat, yang utama tetaplah keluarga, karena jabatan dan pendapatan menjadi tak berarti kalau kehidupan rumah tangga berantakan? Psikolog Adriana S. Ginandjar membenarkan betapa sulitnya perempuan menjalankan peran multifungsi sebagai ibu rumah tangga, istri, anggota masyarakat, sekaligus perempuan karier dengan sukses, “Maksimal semua peran itu bisa dilakukan secara seimbang,” pesannya. Ya, dilakukan dengan seimbang dan tetap pada satu tujuan, demi kesejahteraan keluarga. Kalau kemudian karier tak bisa menjamin keluarga utuh, sudah tahu kan, mana yang mesti dikorbankan?
Sebagai intermeso, sudah membaca novel Oksimoron-nya Isman H. Suryaman? Bicara tentang pernikahan, novel ini pas untuk dibaca. Menceritakan kehidupan pernikahan Alan dan Rine, berbagai realitas bertebaran di dalamnya. Kebahagiaan hampir tak datang sesering ketika awal mereka memutuskan berkomitmen karena pasangan suami-istri harus berjuang menghadapi bermacam hal yang bertolak belakang, mulai dari orangtua, mertua, tetangga, kerukunan, keharmonisan rumah tangga, kehamilan, sampai kehadiran orang ketiga. Bahwa, pernikahan bukanlah cerita dongeng dengan akhir yang pasti membahagiakan, melainkan cerita drama yang akhir kisahnya, tergantung bagaimana kamu dan pasanganmu menjalaninya.
Pernikahan bukanlah akhir dari kisah cinta, melainkan awal dimulainya petualangan pasangan yang saling mencintai dan berkomitmen sebeban-sepenanggungan, sehidup-semati. Dan ini bukanlah sebuah petualangan yang mudah. Untuk bisa melaluinya, perlu pondasi yang kokoh. 5 bekal utama yang kamu butuhkan sudah kami bagikan, sekarang saatnya bersiap melangkah ke status baru yang penuh dengan persoalan baru tapi menyenangkan karena dilewati bareng si belahan jiwa.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Penis Size May Be Driven By Women (Oh, and It Matters)

How important is penis size?
Authors from the Australian National University, Monash and La Trobe provide the most complete answer yet: the size of a flaccid penis can significantly affect how attractive a man's body is to women.
Writing in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (a journal commonly known by its initials as PNAS), Brian MautzBob WongRichard Peters and Michael Jennions use a clever experimental manipulation ofcomputer-generated imagery -- CGI -- to test the effects of variation in penis size relative to height and torso shape (shoulder width relative to waist width) on the attractiveness of male bodies to women.
While they found that torso shape was by far the most important determinant of attractiveness, penis size has about as much influence on attractiveness as height.
It's the kind of science made for easy-reading 100 word news-porn in the tabloid press ("Size really does matter"). Or for wowser columnists to work up a morning's indignation that a scientist somewhere did something interesting when everybody knows the rules:
Scientists should be finding new ways to extract coal-seam gas or cure the cancers that tend to afflict late-middle-age columnists (see the recent controversy when Fox News attacked Patricia Brennan's research on duck penises).
If Tom Waterhouse wasn't so busy swotting for Friday night football, he'd have already installed Mautz as hot favourite for the next igNobel Prize (for science that makes you laugh and then makes you think).
And yet for such a tabloid-ready topic, the paper itself is a study in how science should proceed in sober and restrained steps.
Evolution of penises
Genitalia tend to vary more dramatically than almost any other physical trait. And evolutionary biology has made stunning progress in resolving why.
For the most part, studies of animal penis size and shape have focused on the effectiveness of various structures in delivering sperm to where it needs to be, in removing sperm that a female had received from previous mates, in stimulating the female to use that male's sperm, or even inflicting damage on the female so she would not mate again.
One of the more striking features of the human penis, when compared with other primates, is its length. Relative to body size, the human penis dwarfs that of bonobos, common chimpanzees, gorilla and orangutan. And our erect stance and face-to-face social interactions make the penis a highly conspicuous feature.
That conspicuousness has led anthroplogists and pop-scientists alike to speculate on the potential for penises to act as a sexual signal. Some have even suggested that a large penis may be a signal of more general health and vigour, and that the evolutionary loss of the human baculum (penis bone) may make the penis an honest signal because size and arousal can't be faked.
The function any preferences for penis size serve remain, for now, largely in the province of hypothetical speculation. Because much murkiness surrounds whether such preferences exist, and if so just how important those preferences are.
Hot property
Titillating news stories, fictional references and even song lyrics belie a persistent fascination with properties of the penis. That fascination hints at a deeper, largely unspoken obsession with the links between size, virility, masculinity and attractiveness.
Some might say that penis size presents an exclusively male obsession -- pointing to the importance of embellishments such as Renaissance codpieces and New Guinea phallocarpsin male-male interactions. Are not men at least as obsessed about questions of size as women?
Unfortunately for this line of argument, men are expected to obsess about precisely the traits that women -- overtly or subtly -- use to discriminate among mates.
And a strong whiff of male insecurity about how women are likely to judge their equipment inheres to most public discourse about penis size.
What Goldilocks saw
Consider what I call the Goldilocks cop-out. Most media stories on the topic of penis size conclude that as long as the penis in question isn't way too big or way too small, it's likely to be "just right."
And within the large zone of "just-rightness," few commentators are willing to claim that size really matters.
The Goldilocks cop-out mollifies male insecurity. If evolutionary pyschologists are right -- and I believe they are -- then men's obsession with paternity presents a tectonic force shaping behaviour and societies. It doesn't take much imagination to see that part of that insecurity can be bound up in fears about penile inadequacy.
Makers of penis enlargers promising "extra inches" and purveyors of nasal snake-oil guaranteeing "longer-lasting sex" exploit those fears. Fears that they will never attract a mate. And fears in those who already have a mate that they might inadvertently be raising another man's progeny.
Measuring up
If one accepts women may have preferences for penises of a certain size, one is left with the not-inconsiderable challenge of how to measure such preferences. Asking people doesn't always work.
Women -- and men -- have all sorts of reasons to prevaricate, or to grow indignant that the question has even been asked.
My colleague Barnaby Dixson used a series of five line drawings, manipulated to have different sized flaccid penises, to study women's preferences in Cameroon, China, New Zealand and the U.S.
He found that slightly larger than average penises tend to be favoured by women.
Important as this study was, it cannot illuminate how important penis preferences are relative to other preferences -- such as for muscular torsos or for taller men. If the only thing that varies among stimuli in an experiment is the trait of interest, then we shouldn't be surprised to find it has an effect.
And subjects quickly cotton on to what the experiment is about. Also, the smallest and largest penises may have just looked strange, relative to the body on which they had been drawn.
Enter the Avatar
Mautz and colleagues used a higher-tech method, building three-dimensional computer models -- 343 models in all -- that varied in torso shape, height and flaccid penis size.
They then showed each female subject a subset of 53 bodies, one at a time, projected life-size on a wall, and asked them to rate the attractiveness of each on a 7-point scale.
Still images of three of the stimulus models, illustrating the extremes in variation. At left: short stature, low shoulder: waist ratio, small penis. Right: tall stature, large shoulder: waist ratio, large penis. Centre: intermediate for all three traits. Dr Brian S. Mautz.
According to Mautz, the life-size projection of the images was important:
While using small figures can provide important insights into how mate-choice might affect particular traits, I think responses will be affected by the size of the pictures (or stimuli if you will). Ever wonder why they do so many close-ups in pornographic videos?
Well, no. But moving right along.
For me, the stroke of genius was the independent manipulation of three traits, two of which (height and torso shape) are already well-known to influence attractiveness.
This allowed Mautz and his colleagues to calculate that penis size affects attractiveness -- of CGI models at least -- about as much as height does.
It also allowed them to test for interactions between penis size and the other traits. While well-endowed models tended to get the best ratings, they did so especially in taller men who had more masculine bodies.
That is to say the effects of all three traits -- height, torso shape and penis size were not independent; rather, models who were tall, broad-shouldered and with large members did particularly well.
Critics of this type of study love to point out that women usually decide if they will have sex with a man well before ever sighting his genitals. And, if so, then how can penis size influence choice?
Well, let's just stress the importance of repeat business. A first-time disappointment can rapidly become a one-time-only thing. And an unsatisfied customer can talk to other potential customers, ruining a reputation.
Not becoming physically acquainted before making a lifetime commitment has its perils, including in the genital department. Last month the world's media got to rehash its stocksmall-penis-as-grounds-for-divorce stories, when a Taiwanese woman's wedding night was marred by the disappointing discovery that her groom's member measured a mere five centimetres long.
In Mautz's experiment, women certainly chose among the models presented. They took an average of three seconds before scoring each video clip -- and were mercilessly faster than that with the least attractive figures. According to Mautz:
That's so quick that you can't really, in that short space of time, consciously go through the pros and cons of each character; that rating is an overall impression of attractiveness, not focused on any particular body part.
The reflex to disbelieve that women can and do discriminate about penis size echoes 150 years in which evolutionists and the public alike have often doubted that female sexual agency has the power to shape the evolution of male traits.
And yet female choice -- across the animal world -- represents one of the most potent forcesdriving the evolution of male traits.
Showing that women choose among large numbers of CGI models isn't quite the same as showing their in-the-flesh mating decisions are biased in quite the same ways. Eye-tracking technology confirms that while men tend to look at the faces and chests of pictures of nude women, women tend to look at the faces and crotches of nude men.
For now, Mautz's study suggests that female choice may well be responsible for the prodigious size of the human male penis.
Even if not everyone feels comfortable admitting it.
ANU has made a very informative video, hosted by Professor Michael Jennions, explaining the study in more detail. Please include him @Mikejennions and me @Brooks_Rob in any tweets.
Rob Brooks receives funding from the Australian Research Council.
This article was originally published at The Conversation.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

The 8 Best Sex Positions For Female Orgasm

best sex positionsTry these moves for mind-blowing sex.

There's nothing worse than being in a relationship with a great guy where only one of you enjoys "getting it on." Nine times out of ten, your man will reach climax before you do, leaving you bored and unsatisfied. That's why I want to give my eight best positions from the Bad Girl's Bible for reaching climaxing with your man.

(P.S. These are just a small section of the 119 hot lovemaking positions that you will find on the Bad Girl's Bible site, with professional photographs!).

1. "Cowgirl." This is probably the easiest and simplest sex position to reach orgasm with your man. To perform the cowgirl, he needs to lie down on his back. You then straddle him on your knees while facing him. When you are in this position, you have a lot of control, which means that you can lean forwards or backwards or side-to-side to change his angle of entry. You can also change the depth at which he's penetrating you by pushing yourself up with your legs or lowering yourself down onto him. You'll find that cowgirl is one of the best sex positions for clitoral orgasms — vaginal ones are a little trickier.

2. "High Impact." This is a variation of the position that I just covered above. To try it, your man will still be lieing down on his back, but instead of straddling him on your knees, you are going to be squatting down onto him and using your hands to steady yourself. You will be holding yourself just above him; you won't be sitting down on him. To change angles, you can lean forwards and put your hands on his stomach to balance yourself or you can lean backwards to put your hands behind you. You will be pretty much holding yourself in this position while your man starts rapidly trusting in and out of you with short strokes. If you lean backwards while in this position, your man will be hitting your G spot.

3. "G Spot Sniper." The name might be a bit of a giveaway! To perform this position, you need lie on your back while your man is on his knees. He then grabs your hips and lifts them upwards off the bed. Your feet should now be pointing towards the ceiling and your legs should straight. Your man then enters you. He just needs to thrust so that the head of his penis is hitting the top wall of your vagina — allegedly where your G spot is. To accomplish this properly, he needs to make sure that his thrusts are shallow, not deep. Click here to see a visual demonstration of this position.

4. "The Lotus." This position, while incredibly intimate, also makes it easy for you to orgasm. To perform it, your man must first sit down in a yoga pose with legs crossed. You sit down on his lap facing him, wrapping your legs and arms around him. You can then slowly grind up and down on him, stimulating your clit. To be perfectly honest, the lotus is one of the more difficult sex positions listed in these eight, but the deep, bonding intimacy you experience only makes it worth it.

5. "Spooning." Spooning is a great sex position for close, sensual sex with your man. To spoon, you both need to lie on your sides facing in the same direction with him behind you. He then just needs to slowly thrust in and out with a consistent rhythm. While doing this, he can reach around and start gently rubbing and massaging your clitoris with his fingers, bringing you to orgasm.

6. "The Anvil." If you like being dominated by your man during sex, this position is for you. To perform the anvil, lie down on your back. Next, raise your legs in the air and use your arms to pull them back towards yourself. Your man will be on his knees and will lean right over you. You can then rest your ankles on his shoulders, so that he is pushing them back on top of you. In this position, he will be able to penetrate you deeper than you could have imagined.

7. "The CAT." The coital alignment technique is very similar to regular missionary sex, but with a few variations. He needs to remain quite deep inside you while you push your pubic bone against him. Then instead of thrusting so much, he needs to grind on you, giving you a lot of stimulation to your clitoris. This makes the coital alignment technique one of the best sex positions for having a clitoral orgasm. It's also really easy to transition to this position from missionary.

8. "The Jockey." This one is easy for a woman: just lie back, relax and enjoy it. To perform the jockey sex position, you need lie on your stomach with your rear end raised. Your man then straddles you on his knees and enters you. In this position, your man can penetrate you with a lot of force. This is great for those who climax from really passionate or even rough sex.

How To Masturbate For Women - 9 Self Pleasure Tips

female masturbationLearn how to masturbate the right way and have incredible orgasms using this guide on self pleasure!

Learning how to masturbate is a great way to find out what turns you on and what kinds of physical touching and fantasies make you most likely to reach the big 'O'. This article is going to show you exactly what to do to masturbate (with your hands or toys) as well as showing you some great ways to expand your range of fantasies, just like I teach on the Bad Girl's Bible site.

You certainly don't have to use all of these masturbation techniques, but the first 3 techniques are the most important. Ok, here we go..

Getting In The Mood - The most important thing you can do if you want to be sure that you climax when masturbating is first getting in the mood. Getting in the mood is something that varies greatly from person to person.

For some, they find that all they need to do is lie down on their bed to get in the mood. While for others, they like to drag it out by having a shower, applying some body lotion all over their body, lighting some candles, playing their favorite music and putting on something really comfortable before sitting down on a nice comfy chair.

This is something I cover in detail in the sex positions section of the Bad Girl's Bible website. If you want to learn over 100 different sex positions (with professional photographs), then you you may interested in checking it out.

Ensure Privacy - If you want to truly relax and get in the mood before you start masturbating, then make sure that you won't be disturbed by anyone.

For most people, this means masturbating in their bedroom or doing it when their roommates/parents/partner is not in the house. You might also find turning your phone to silent is a good idea too.

Your Clit - Most find that having a clitoral orgasm is far easier than having a vaginal orgasm when learning how to masturbate, so first we are going to focus on the clit. If you don't already know about your clit, it's the small nub of firm skin the gets slightly bigger when you're aroused. It's located just above your vagina and is concealed under small folds of skin. It's very sensitive, especially right after you climax.

To stimulate it, try gently rubbing it with your fingers. You may find that it's so sensitive, that it's actually more pleasurable to provide it with indirect stimulation, rubbing around it, instead of touching it directly.

It's best if you start off massaging it slowly and gently and gradually build up how intensely you touch it as you are reaching climax. Then as you climax, ease right off as it will be incredibly sensitive to touch.

Hitting Your G Spot - Another type of orgasm, that many prefer to regular clitoral orgasms, is the G Spot orgasm. But before you can start stimulating it, you need to actually find the G Spot. It only appears and becomes engorged when you are aroused.

It's located inside your vagina on the front wall, about 1.5 inches from the entrance. If you hold your palm flat against your stomach so that your fingers are pointing downwards and slowly move your fingers down your stomach and then slide them inside your vagina and hook them backwards, you should be able to feel a slightly rough patch of skin that feels very much like the top of your palate in your mouth. This is your G Spot.

There are a number of ways you can stimulate it. You can make a 'come-hither' motion with your fingers to massage it or you can hold your fingers pressed against it, and move the rest of your arm to stimulate it. How you do it is really up to you, but make sure to do some experimentation to find out what you enjoy the most.

Using Lube - If you have trouble reaching orgasm, or you just plain want to have a more pleasurable, sensual experience, then I strongly recommend using lubricant (usually called lube). There are many different types of lube whether it's water based, oil based or something else. So make sure to experiment with each to find out which you prefer and helps to give you the strongest orgasms.

Using Toys - A great way to intensify your orgasms when learning how to masturbate is to use sex toys. There are a number of different ones that you can use.

Vibrators are probably the best for replacing your fingers, but make sure to spend a little extra when buying one so that you can get one with adjustably speeds. The vibrators that are stuck at a high speed can prove to be too strong & intense for some.

Dildos are great for replacing your man's penis when he's not around. You'll also find that you a lot of dildos double up as vibrators.

While there a huge variety of different sex toys that you can use on yourself, the last one that I'm going to talk about using is the butt plug. Using a butt plug while masturbating is something many women (but not all) find to intensify their orgasms when they masturbate.

Porn - Some love porn when masturbating...some hate it. It's all a matter of personal preference. The next time you have some time and are alone while masturbating, try watching some porn to see if it intensifies the experience for you. But don't feel that you have to watch it. Some enjoy it, while others don't.

Erotica - Many see erotic novels as the female equivalent of pornography. Again, they are not for everyone, but are definitely worth trying at least once to see if they have any effect on what you fantasise and think about while you masturbate.

Sexy DIY: The 3 Best Masturbation Techniques For Women

female masturbationWho needs a man, anyway?

Masturbating should always be a fun and pleasurable experience, ending in a body-shaking, quivering goodness. That's why I want to give you these four incredible techniques from The Bad Girl's Bible on how to bring yourself to orgasm. Now some of these techniques may be a bit extreme for you, but I really hope that you will at least try them once.

But before you you even try one of these masturbation techniques, you'll want to set the mood for sensuality by stimulating your senses.

Setting The Mood - First, you need to choose a nice scent for your room from perfumes to deodorants or incense. The choice is ultimately up to you. You then need to set up the lighting in the room. You may prefer it to be very dark or you may like having the lights only slightly dimmed to be best.

Next, eat or drink an aphrodisiac. Nibble on some dark chocolate, sip on champagne or bite into a few juicy strawberries — anything that entices your tastebuds. Turn up some music to add to the experience, whether it's some jazzy tunes or a quiet instrumental soundtrack — whatever you choose needs to relax you. Lastly — and most importantly — you need to think about touch and what you feels good on your skin, besides your own hands. (Think a silky smooth nightie.)

The final thing for setting the mood is thinking about what positions are going to work best for masturbating. Lying on your back is the obvious choice, but there are hundreds of others. In fact, you'll find over 100 different positions (with professional photographs) on the Bad Girl's Bible.

The "Barely There" Technique - This is by far the simplest technique — and it's all in the flick of a finger. To get set up, you need to lie down on your back and get comfortable. You are going to be masturbating by rubbing your clitoris with just your finger.

The trick in this technique is in its subtlety. Rather than just touching it, pressing it and rubbing it, you are going to be making only the slightest amount of contact with your clitoris. It should be a feather-like touch, moving your finger from side to side. So you won't be touching all of your clitoris — just the smallest tip.

This next part is important. While rubbing this small part of your clitoris, move your finger only very slightly. You should hardly move it at all, like you are vibrating your finger instead of moving it up and down. To really get the most out of this technique, you need to continuously do it for about 15 minutes, which can obviously get tiring but is oh-so worth it. This technique will put you on the edge of orgasm the entire time you're performing it. It will feel like one continuous orgasm, without the usual peaks and troughs.

More Masturbation Techniques Like "Barely There" - If you want to learn my more explicit and 'out there' techniques similar to this one, then you'll find them on the Bad Girl's Bible site.

The "Round And Around" Technique - The round and around technique is great for arousing yourself and ultimately making your orgasm more powerful when you eventually peak. This is because it's sort of like foreplay for masturbation — teasing and turning yourself on, without ever directly masturbating yourself. As you can probably guess from the name, you are going to be focusing on your more sensitive areas. These are places like your breasts and inner thighs. However, because everyone's body is different, you may find that the small of your neck or the inside of your elbows are particularly sensitive to touch.

After 20 minutes of this, it's time to move your hands to your more erogenous areas. Still teasing, toughen the touch to caress your nipples and breasts. Tantalize yourself for what's about to happen next.

The "Put On A Show" Technique - This last masturbation technique is one for your partner's pleasure as well as yours. You probably already know that guys are primarily turned on by visual cues (and why they love pornography, after all). So why not use this fact to your advantage and put on a show for your man?
The easiest way to do this is during foreplay with your man. Ask him if he would like a demonstration of what you enjoy the most. He is very unlikely to say no! Now just because you are putting on a show, it doesn't necessarily mean that you have to be dramatic. Don't feel like you have to talk dirty or even moan and groan while masturbating in front of him. Just focus on enjoying yourself. Trust us when we say, it will be enough to drive him crazy.

More Powerful Masturbation Techniques - The techniques you have just read are some of my more basic ones, if you want to learn my more advanced techniques, along with over 100 sex positions (with professional pictures) as well as how to talk dirty and give an awesome blowjob, then you'll find them on the Bad Girl's Bible site as well as my free newsletter.

Who Knew Masturbation Was So Healthy? 5 Unbelievable Benefits

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