Sebagai orangtua, tentu Anda ingin anak mendapatkan yang terbaik dalam hidup, jadi wajar saja bila Anda ingin meningkatkan kemampuan intelektualitasnya. Berikut ini beberapa cara yang Anda coba:
1. Rawat bayi sejak lahir
Memberi ASI memberikan banyak keuntungan, termasuk kekebalan dan perlindungan dari penyakit. Tetapi tidak banyak yang tahu bahwa pemberian ASI juga memengaruhi kecerdasan. Sebuah hasil penelitian dari McGill University di Montreal menunjukkan, anak-anak usia 6,5 tahun yang diberi ASI semasa kecil memiliki skor IQ verbal 7,5 poin lebih tinggi dibanding anak-anak yang tidak diberi ASI. American Academy of Pediatrics merekomendasikan pemberian ASI eksklusif selama 6 bulan pertama.
2. Aktivitas fisik
Semua guru SD pasti akan bilang bahwa anak Anda lebih bisa berkonsentrasi setelah pelajaran olahraga, atau istirahat. Tetapi itu bukan satu-satunya keuntungan kegiatan fisik. Setelah mengulas 14 penelitian, para peneliti Belanda menemukan bahwa skor tes kognitif anak-anak akan lebih tinggi bila mereka punya akses ke ruangan senam, untuk melepaskan ketegangan. Jadi, doronglah anak Anda untuk berolahraga.
3. Jauhi makanan cepat saji
Coret menu makanan yang mengandung banyak lemak, banyak gula karena itu akan menurunkan angka IQ anak, demikian terungkap dalam “Journal of Epidemiological Community Health”. Peneliti menelusuri kebiasaan makan 4000 anak-anak sejak umur 3 dan mengecek kecerdasan saat mereka umur 8,5. Anak-anak yang paling banyak makan makanan cepat saji, yang tinggi kadar gula dan lemak, memiliki skor IQ 1,67 poin lebih rendah dibanding anak-anak yang sering makan buah, sayur, ikan dan pasta.
4. Putar musik
Studi Universitas Toronto mengungkapkan, pelajaran musik dapat meningkatkan kemampuan otak anak-anak umur 6-11. Anak-anak yang ikut pelajaran musik mengalami peningkatan IQ paling besar, lebih besar dari yang ikut pelajaran drama. Semua jenis pelajaran musik itu bagus, jadi bila anak Anda tidak mau bermain terompet, jangan khawatir.
5. Jangan lupa minyak ikan
Sebuah studi New York University, yang mengevaluasi begitu banyak studi mengenai penyebab meningkatnya IQ seseorang, mengungkapkan bahwa asam lemak Omega-3 adalah yang terbaik. Riset itu mengatakan, ketika ibu hamil dan menyusui mendapatkan 1000 mg DHA setiap hari, maka IQ balita dapat meningkat lebih dari 3,5 poin. Selain itu, bayi yang mendapatkan DHA selama tiga bulan ternyata memiliki skor IQ 6,5 poin lebih tinggi dibanding mereka yang tidak.
6. Interaksi membaca buku
Studi New York University yang sama juga mencari tahu bagaimana interaksi membaca — yakni mendorong anak-anak untuk membaca dan mengajari mereka cara bertanya — dapat meningkatkan intelegensia anak-anak. Peneliti menemukan bahwa ketika anak-anak berumur di bawah 4 tahun aktif dibacakan buku, kecerdasannya bisa meningkat lebih dari 6 poin. Sambil membacakan buku, doronglah anak Anda untuk bertanya kemungkinan telur berwarna lain.
7. Pertimbangkan daftarkan anak ke preschool.
Analisis terhadap 16 studi terbaru mengungkapkan, mengirim anak terbelakang ke preschool yang fokus pada pengembangan bahasa dapat meningkatkan skor IQ hingga 7 poin. Masukkanlah anak ke preschool jika memang tersedia di dekat rumah Anda.
8. Sarapan
Anak-anak yang memulai hari dengan sarapan sehat terbukti lebih mudah berkonsentrasi, lebih siap dan pada akhirnya mendapatkan nilai lebih tinggi. Siapa sangka, sarapan sederhana seperti sereal dan segelas jus dapat membantu anak Anda lebih berenergi dalam menjalani hari.
"Our prime purpose in this life is to help others, and if you can't help them, at least don't hurt them." ~Dalai Lama
Saturday, July 27, 2013
Bayi bisa Makin Cerdas Jika Anda Memberinya Nutrisi Ini
Omega-3 telah dikenal sejak lama sebagai nutrisi penting bagi perkembangan otak. Itulah sebabnya, ibu hamil sangat disarankan untuk mengkonsumsi suplementasi Omega-3 dengan tujuan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan asam lemak esensial ini dalam tubuh, yang umumnya sangat kurang didapatkan dari pola makan sehari-hari, agar perkembangan otak dari janin yang dikandungnya dapat berlangsung optimal.
Sekilas tentang Omega-3
Omega-3 merupakan asam lemak esensial yang dibutuhkan oleh tubuh untuk berfungsi dengan baik. Salah satu manfaat paling penting dari Omega-3 adalah efek anti peradangan yang dimilikinya. Banyak penyakit, seperti penyakit jantung dan arthritis, sangat berkaitan dengan proses peradangan. Omega-3 dapat mengurangi peradangan, sehingga mampu mencegah berbagai penyakit kronis tersebut.Meski penyakit-penyakit kronis tersebut paling sering menyerang orang dewasa, bukan berarti bayi Anda tidak membutuhkan Omega-3. Omega-3 sangat penting bagi kesehatan anak, bahkan sejak mereka belum lahir (masih berupa janin dalam kandungan). Berikut ini beberapa manfaat pentingnya:
Perkembangan Otak. Beberapa penelitian menemukan bahwa makanan bayi yang diperkaya dengan asam lemak Omega-3 yaitu DHA, menunjukkan adanya peningkatan pada koordinasi tangan dan mata, respon dan perhatian terhadap lingkungan, kemampuan bersosialisasi, dan skor tes kecerdasan.
Penelitian juga menemukan bahwa anak usia 4 tahun yang terlahir dari ibu yang mengkonsumsi suplemen Omega-3 (EPA dan DHA) selama hamil dan bulan pertama menyusui, mendapatkan skor tes kecerdasan yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan anak-anak yang terlahir dari ibu yang tidak mengkonsumsi suplemen EPA dan DHA.
Turunkan Risiko Asma. Sebuah penelitian di tahun 2008 menemukan bahwa anak-anak dan remaja yang terlahir dari ibu yang mengkonsumsi suplemen Omega-3 selama hamil ternyata memiliki risiko mengalami asma yang lebih rendah.
Penunjang Pertumbuhan. Ada beberapa bukti yang menunjukkan bahwa ketika formula susu dan makanan bayi ditambahkan dengan Omega-3, ini dapat menunjang pertumbuhan dan perkembangan otak bayi yang lahir prematur.
Cegah Kelahiran Prematur. Di tahun 2003, sebuah penelitian menemukan bahwa wanita yang mengkonsumsi telur yang diperkaya dengan Omega-3 ternyata memiliki risiko lebih kecil melahirkan prematur dibandingkan dengan para wanita yang tidak mengonsumsi telur.
Selain itu, ada beberapa kondisi kesehatan pada anak-anak yang diyakini mampu diatasi dengan konsumsi suplementasi Omega-3.
ADHD (Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder). Penelitian menunjukkan bahwa suplementasi asam lemak Omega-3, terutama dengan dosis EPA yang lebih tinggi, terbukti efektif dalam perawatan anak yang mengalami ADHD.
Anak yang menderita ADHD umumnya memiliki level Omega-3 dalam tubuhnya yang lebih rendah daripada normal, sehingga suplementasi Omega-3 akan membantu dalam hal perbaikan perilaku, penurunan hiperaktivitas, serta peningkatan perhatian anak terhadap lingkungan.
Depresi. Minyak ikan sering digunakan dalam perawatan depresi pada orang dewasa, dan ada beberapa penelitian serupa yang dilakukan pada anak-anak. Sebuah studi pada tahun 2006 menemukan bahwa suplementasi minyak ikan mampu mengurangi gejala depresi pada anak usia 6 – 12 tahun secara signifikan.
Diabetes. Sebuah penelitian mengamati anak-anak yang memiliki risiko tinggi terkena Diabetes Tipe 2. Para peneliti menemukan bahwa mereka yang banyak mengkonsumsi Omega-3 dalam pola makannya sehari-hari mengalami penurunan risiko penyakit ini.
Asma. Omega-3 mampu mengurangi peradangan di saluran pernafasan. Sebuah penelitian terhadap 29 anak penderita asma menemukan bahwa mereka yang mengkonsumsi minyak ikan selama 10 bulan mengalami lebih sedikit gejala asma daripada mereka yang tidak mengkonsumsi minyak ikan.
Omega-3 merupakan salah satu dari sekian banyak nutrisi esensial bagi tumbuh kembang anak. Jadi, sayangi anak-anak Anda dengan memberikan nutrisi penting ini dalam jumlah cukup setiap harinya! (dan)
Nutrisi Penting agar Lahirkan Bayi Sehat & Cerdas
Bagi kebanyakan pasangan suami istri, kehamilan merupakan suatu hal yang sangat membahagiakan. Seorang ibu hamil harus mendapat asupan nutrisi yang cukup demi kesehatan janin yang dikandungnya. Salah satu nutrisi yang terpenting adalah asam folat. Kenapa asam folat penting untuk janin?
Asam folat atau juga dikenal dengan nama vitamin B9, vitamin Bc, atau folacin adalah jenis vitamin yang larut dalam air. Asam folat terdapat secara alami pada beberapa jenis makanan. Suplemen asam folat juga sudah diproduksi dan dapat dibeli di berbagai apotek dan toko obat.
Asam folat berperan penting dalam berbagai fungsi tubuh mulai dari sintesis DNA, memperbaiki DNA, metilasi DNA, sampai dengan berperan sebagai cofactor berbagai reaksi biologis yang membutuhkan folat. Asam folat terutama sekali penting dalam perkembangan dan pembelahan sel pada masa kehamilan dan pertumbuhan. Asam folat juga sangat diperlukan dalam proses produksi sel darah merah yang sehat, karenanya dapat mencegah anemia.
Asam Folat Dan Janin
Saat wanita hamil, level folat dalam darahnya akan menurun seiring kenaikan sintesa RBC pada saat paruh pertama kehamilan dan pada saat janin membutuhkan folat tersebut di paruh kedua kehamilan. Janin bayi sangat membutuhkan asam folat untuk perkembangan otak, tulang, dan urat syaraf tulang belakang. Padahal pada empat minggu pertama usia kehamilan, kebanyakan wanita tidak sadar dirinya sedang hamil. Akibatnya banyak wanita hamil yang tidak menyadari pentingnya penambahan asupan asam folat untuk kebutuhan janin yang dikandungnya.Bahaya Kekurangan Asam Folat Pada Janin
Sudah disebutkan sebelumnya bahwa saat wanita hamil, level folat dalam darahnya akan menurun. Kondisi kekurangan asam folat pada janin dapat mengakibatkan beberapa kondisi yang sangat serius seperti bayi yang lahir akan mengalami cacat bawaan lahir. Beberapa cacat bawaan lahir akibat kekurangan asupan asam folat diantaranya adalah :- Neural tube defect (NTD) atau cacat pada tabung syaraf.
- Cacat jantung bawaan.
- Bibir sumbing.
- Cacat lengan.
- Kelainan saluran urin.
Kekurangan nutrisi asam folat juga dapat mengakibatkan beberapa kondisi diantaranya :
- Bayi lahir prematur
- Bobot bayi yang rendah
- Pertumbuhan janin yang lamban
- Aborsi spontan
- Komplikasi kehamilan (gangguan plasenta dan hipertensi)
Para calon ibu hamil (bumil) yang berencana akan hamil juga disarankan minimal 4 bulan sebelumnya untuk mengonsumsi makanan kaya asam folat atau suplemen asam folat karena sudah terbukti mampu mencegah terjadinya beberapa cacat bawaan pada bayi. Jadi bukan hanya ketika sudah hamil saja.
Jumlah Asupan Asam Folat yang Disarankan
Jumlah asupan harian asam folat yang dianjurkan untuk wanita yang dalam kondisi sebelum hamil adalah 400 mcg/hari. Sedangkan jumlah asupan harian asam folat yang dianjurkan untuk wanita hamil adalah 600-800 mcg/hari. Jadi jumlah asupan asam folat yang dianjurkan selama hamil mencapai dua kali lipat dibanding saat sebelum hamil.
Dianjurkan untuk tidak mengonsumsi asam folat dari sumber suplemen atau makanan yang diperkaya asam folat melebihi 1.000 mcg per hari untuk menghindari kemungkinan efek samping bagi kesehatan. Sebaliknya, sumber nutrisi asam folat yang berasal dari makanan alami tidak akan mengakibatkan efek samping.
Makanan Dengan Kandungan Asam Folat Tinggi
- Sayuran-sayuran berdaun hijau seperti bayam, asparagus, lobak, dan lain-lain
- Polong-polongan seperti buncis, kacang-kacangan, dan lentil
- Kuning telur
- Ragi roti
- Produk biji-bijian seperti pasta (termasuk mie instan), roti, dan sereal (termasuk sereal instan siap makan seperti oatmeal)
- Biji bunga matahari
- Buah dan jus buah tertentu seperti jus jeruk, jus nenas, belewah, melon, jus anggur, pisang, raspberry, dan strawberry.
- Sayur dan jus sayur tertentu seperti bit, jagung, jus tomat, brokoli, tauge, selada, dan sawi.
- Sereal oatmeal : 1600 mcg
- Kacang panjang mentah : 658 mcg
- Daun mint mentah : 530 mcg
- Macam2 buncis mentah : 399 mcg
- Ayam broiler goreng : 379 mcg
- Selai kacang tanah : 373 mcg
Di beberapa negara berkembang, penambahan nutrisi asam folat pada beberapa jenis makanan seperti sereal, pasta, roti, mie instan, dan berbagai jenis makanan lainnya dianggap lebih menghemat biaya daripada tindakan lainnya dalam rangka meningkatkan kesehatan masyarakat dunia.
Yang Perlu diperhatikan Ibu Hamil
Pastikan beberapa makanan yang akan dikonsumsi oleh ibu hamil terutama yang dari hewani dipastikan benar-benar dimasak matang untuk menghindari adanya bakteri coliform, salmonella dan parasit toksiplasmosis yang dapat berbahaya bagi janin. Sedangkan jika ingin mengonsumsi lalapan sayuran atau salad mentah sebaiknya pastikan bahwa sayuran sudah dicuci bersih atau dapat dimasak setengah matang.
Konsultasikan dengan dokter jika menemui kendala-kendala tertentu selama masa kehamilan. (aan)
Thursday, July 25, 2013
Monday, July 15, 2013
20 First Date Questions You Don’t Want to Ask — Ever
Want to make sure your Friday night date is a success? Here are a few first date questions you should avoid asking if you want your crush to ask you out a second — and third — time.
Twenty first date questions you don’t want to ask — ever:
1. How much money do you make?
2. How do I look?
3. Who did you vote for in the last election?
4. How many kids do you want to have?
5. What kind of wedding do you want to have?
6. What went wrong between you and your ex?
7. Have you ever cheated on someone?
8. Have you ever been in love?
9. Where do you see this relationship going?
10. Why are you single?
11. Are you afraid of commitment?
12. What do your parents do?
13. Do you have any STDs?
14. What’s your greatest regret?
15. Do you think your parents will like me?
16. Are you on a diet?
17. Is that tan spray-on?
18. Have you ever had plastic surgery?
19. What’s your five-year plan?
20. Wanna come up for a drink?
What’s the worst question you’ve ever been asked on a first date?
Saturday, July 6, 2013
How to Eliminate Your Fear of Rejection for Good
By David DeAngelo, author of best-selling eBook and free “Dating Secrets” newsletter
The biggest obstacle standing between most guys and their dream relationship is that they never even try approaching great women…all because they’re scared of being “rejected.”
Of course, it’s easy for guys to convince themselves that they’re trying. They sit home and work on their profiles. They go to the gym and maybe they even ask a woman out once in awhile. But, in the end, MOST guys spend MOST of their time on the “sidelines.”
They never truly get in the game, also known as “putting themselves out there,” with the energy and commitment necessary to succeed with a truly great woman. Why? Because they’re afraid they’ll ultimately be rejected. With that in mind, here’s how to eliminate the paralyzing fear and anxiety that’s standing between you and the woman of your dreams:
Understand The “Worst-Case” Scenario
I recommend every man ask himself this: “Why do I fear rejection and what could happen that’s so devastating it’s not even worth trying?”
I recommend every man ask himself this: “Why do I fear rejection and what could happen that’s so devastating it’s not even worth trying?”
First and foremost, you need to realize and understand the worst-case scenario when you approach a woman. Sure, on a bad day (for any number of reasons) a woman may act coldly towards you, or totally ignore you when you approach her. But in my experience helping literally thousands of men overcome their debilitating fears of rejection, here’s what happens 99% of the time: A woman politely explains that she’s already with someone, then thanks you for asking. Of course, this may not be true at all (again, for any number of reasons) but here’s the point: You didn’t get hurt or damaged in any way.
In reality, most women don’t want to hurt you. In reality, most women will actually be flattered that you made the attempt. But don’t take my word for it…get a handle on this by going out there and proving it to yourself. I suggest picking a day and jumping in, connecting with a few great women online first, or just going straight out to a coffee shop, the mall, wherever.
That’s right…start approaching women that you find attractive, in person, as many times as you can. Beside the fact that nothing improves performance like practice, all of this real-world “evidence” about what really happens will become a brand new reality to you. You’ll finally know for a fact that “rejection” won’t kill you. It won’t even leave a bruise.
ADDED BONUS: You may even find a soul mate.
Visualize SUCCESS (And Its Rewards)
Once a man escapes the destructive habit of imagining “devastating” rejection, he needs to “see” the reason for approaching great women in the first place. Now, I’ve never encountered a man who believed that a life spent alone or even “settling” for a woman who isn’t a great match was preferable to the momentary disappointment of a woman telling him she’s with someone else.
Once a man escapes the destructive habit of imagining “devastating” rejection, he needs to “see” the reason for approaching great women in the first place. Now, I’ve never encountered a man who believed that a life spent alone or even “settling” for a woman who isn’t a great match was preferable to the momentary disappointment of a woman telling him she’s with someone else.
On the other hand, once a man understands how to stop fearing and start creating feelings of attraction in a great woman (by acting confident, in control and mixing in the right amount of humor) the reward is life changing. So take time to visualize this. Imagine it.
How would your current life be different…starting tomorrow…if the kind of great woman you’ve always dreamed about says, “Yes” when you ask her out? If you’re brutally honest with yourself, the answer should be powerful motivation for leaving behind your fear or rejection for good.
Work On Your “Inner Game”
Notice what I said above: A man must understand how to create feelings of ATTRACTION in a woman before he can succeed with her. As I say so often — creating attraction has nothing to with looks or money, but becoming confident with women so you can start connecting with them emotionally. The tragic fact is that even men who’ve done all of the above to eliminate their fear of rejection often feel like there’s still something missing inside them. Many times, they carry around deep, inner fears and insecurities that make it hard (if not impossible) to attract and keep a great woman.
Notice what I said above: A man must understand how to create feelings of ATTRACTION in a woman before he can succeed with her. As I say so often — creating attraction has nothing to with looks or money, but becoming confident with women so you can start connecting with them emotionally. The tragic fact is that even men who’ve done all of the above to eliminate their fear of rejection often feel like there’s still something missing inside them. Many times, they carry around deep, inner fears and insecurities that make it hard (if not impossible) to attract and keep a great woman.
Sound familiar?
If so, it comes down to consulting experts who are experienced in eliminating these “inner game” issues, talking with friends who are successful with women, even seeking therapy to address these deeply-rooted insecurities and fears…most of which are usually based on experiences early in a man’s life.
To eliminate your fear of rejection for good, you must replace that false evidence with the facts about what really happens when a confident, in-control man approaches a great woman…and then do everything you can to become that kind of man.
His Checklist for Ms. Right (Even if He Doesn’t Know It)
By Christian Carter, author of the best-selling eBook 'Catch Him & Keep Him' and free newsletter
As you’re probably painfully aware of, a man can like you, get very close to you, and still not want a lasting, meaningful relationship with you. So I want to take you inside the male mind and let you know what makes a man go from just feeling casual about dating you to wanting and needing you on a deeper level. And I’m talking about a quality man – one who’s mature andgrounded on a physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual level. The kind of man you’re on eHarmony to find in the first place. So let me shine a light on what he’s looking for in YOU.
I’m not just talking about physical attraction here. That’s easy. And, as you well know, a man can feel this for you and NOT want a serious relationship. I’m referring to a deeper feeling of connection that gets him EMOTIONALLY. Men aren’t as scared of commitment and relationships as they are of being in a relationship where there’s no passion. And a common way women accidentally kill the attraction men might be feeling is by either trying too hard or by acting like the relationship is too serious too soon. There’s nothing more appealing (and attractive) to a man than a great woman who knows how to relax and have fun. Keep things light and playful from the beginning. For instance, instead of talking about what he does for a living when you meet him, ask him about what sports he plays and what drives him. Be open to going on different types of dates with him. Unpredictability keeps attraction going – for both of you.
There’s something that drives men wild and invites them into a deeper level of connection – play. Notice how men bond with each other while being active and at play. They were raised to express themselves and connect with those around them through action. Unfortunately, women can often forget this and want to talk their way into a man’s heart. But the fact is that men don’t “feel it” for you because of what you say. It’s not your words that make a man attracted to you, it’s the experiences you create with him. Watch or play sports together, be competitive in casual games like ping pong – even add a little teasing and sarcasm here and there – and you’ll really ramp up the attraction and interest.
While an immature man may feel better about himself by being with a woman who depends on him, a quality man is just the opposite. He’s attracted to a woman because she ALREADY creates her own happiness, independent of him. She has a great life and a sense of purpose whether or not she’s in a relationship. A great guy isn’t intimidated by independence and success. What matters to a man is that a woman still has space in her life for a great relationship and is grounded and present when she’s with him. So, it bears repeating: never give up your interests or take time away from the important things in your life for a man. Now, when you ARE with him, really BE with him. Have fun, be present, and let him know how much you enjoy him.
No matter how great things are going with a guy, inevitably a situation will come up where you and a man will see something differently and misunderstand each other. How will you respond to this and share your feelings? How a woman handles her emotions is one of the most important things men look for when deciding whether or not to get serious with a woman. If she lets her emotions get out of control, this is a big red flag to him. So, a woman who shares her feelings in an honest and authentic way – rather than judging or blaming him – is incredibly attractive to a man. And it signals to him that she’ll be a great partner to him…for the long term.
Inilah 5 Teknik Ampuh Untuk Merayu Pasangan untuk Bercinta
Merayu Pasangan |
Ada banyak teknik merayu suami untuk bercinta. Mulai dari cara yang standar, hingga unik dan ekstrim. Tapi ada beberapa teknik merayu yang paling umum dan bisa Anda coba, tanpa harus berusaha terlalu keras (memakai alat atau benda tertentu). Berikut ini teknik merayu pasangan untuk bercinta, seperti dikutip dari Loving You.
1. To The Point
Kadang Anda tidak perlu memikirkan banyak cara untuk merayu si dia bercinta. Meminta secara terbuka bisa jadi teknik yang paling efektif untuk mengajaknya bercinta. To the point di sini, bukan dalam artian Anda harus berkata, ‘sayang, ayo kita bercinta malam ini’. Itu terlalu jelas dan justru bisa menghilangkan mood-nya. Lakukan dengan gerakan, misalnya memberinya ciuman lembut di bibir, menyentuh di area leher dan selangkangan, atau berbisik di telinganya kalau Anda menginginkan ‘keh angatan’ malam ini.
Kadang Anda tidak perlu memikirkan banyak cara untuk merayu si dia bercinta. Meminta secara terbuka bisa jadi teknik yang paling efektif untuk mengajaknya bercinta. To the point di sini, bukan dalam artian Anda harus berkata, ‘sayang, ayo kita bercinta malam ini’. Itu terlalu jelas dan justru bisa menghilangkan mood-nya. Lakukan dengan gerakan, misalnya memberinya ciuman lembut di bibir, menyentuh di area leher dan selangkangan, atau berbisik di telinganya kalau Anda menginginkan ‘keh angatan’ malam ini.
2. Teknik Dominasi
Inisiatif bercinta tidak harus selalu datang dari pasangan Anda. Saat dia sedang asyik dengan pekerjaannya di rumah, tarik si dia ke dekat Anda, buka pakaiannya dengan agresif dan dorong tubuhnya ke ‘area’ bercinta yang Anda inginkan. Bisa juga mendorongnya hingga jatuh ke atas tempat tidur dan merangkaklah ‘menyusuri’ tubuhnya. Katakan apa yang akan Anda lakukan dan minta dia untuk tidak bergerak ke mana-mana.
Inisiatif bercinta tidak harus selalu datang dari pasangan Anda. Saat dia sedang asyik dengan pekerjaannya di rumah, tarik si dia ke dekat Anda, buka pakaiannya dengan agresif dan dorong tubuhnya ke ‘area’ bercinta yang Anda inginkan. Bisa juga mendorongnya hingga jatuh ke atas tempat tidur dan merangkaklah ‘menyusuri’ tubuhnya. Katakan apa yang akan Anda lakukan dan minta dia untuk tidak bergerak ke mana-mana.
3. Minta Bantuan
Panggil si dia dan berpura-puralah meminta bantuan. Misalnya membetulkan keran yang bocor, mengambilkan barang di atas lemari atau mengusir serangga yang membuat Anda takut. Setelah dia ‘menyelamatkan’ Anda, beri hadiah dengan ciuman, pelukan dan ‘servis spesial’ di tempat tidur.
Panggil si dia dan berpura-puralah meminta bantuan. Misalnya membetulkan keran yang bocor, mengambilkan barang di atas lemari atau mengusir serangga yang membuat Anda takut. Setelah dia ‘menyelamatkan’ Anda, beri hadiah dengan ciuman, pelukan dan ‘servis spesial’ di tempat tidur.
4. Pijatan Sensual
Ini adalah rayuan paling klasik untuk mengajak bercinta, tapi tak kalah efektif. Langkah awal memberikan pijatan sensual adalah mengetahui dulu titik -titik rangsang pada tubuh pasangan. Teknik rayuan ini bertujuan menemukan area paling sensitif pria agar gairah seksualnya meningkat dan akhirnya, ia pun ‘jatuh’ dalam pelukan Anda.
Ini adalah rayuan paling klasik untuk mengajak bercinta, tapi tak kalah efektif. Langkah awal memberikan pijatan sensual adalah mengetahui dulu titik -titik rangsang pada tubuh pasangan. Teknik rayuan ini bertujuan menemukan area paling sensitif pria agar gairah seksualnya meningkat dan akhirnya, ia pun ‘jatuh’ dalam pelukan Anda.
5. Manfaatkan Saat Hujan
Acara makan malam romantis di restoran out-door gagal karena hujan deras? Tidak perlu bersungut-sungut. Anda tetap bisa merasakan momen romantis, bahkan lebih intim justru karena turunnya hujan. Suhu yang dingin pasti mendorong Anda dan pasangan untuk saling berpelukan mencari kehangatan.
Acara makan malam romantis di restoran out-door gagal karena hujan deras? Tidak perlu bersungut-sungut. Anda tetap bisa merasakan momen romantis, bahkan lebih intim justru karena turunnya hujan. Suhu yang dingin pasti mendorong Anda dan pasangan untuk saling berpelukan mencari kehangatan.
Tuesday, July 2, 2013
Natural Remedies for Acidity
Acidity is very common problem we have seen in many people. Acidity occurs when there is excess secretion of acids in the gastric glands of the stomach.Irregular eating habit, lack of exercise,regular consumption of alcohol,stress,eating spicy foods are the main reasons behind Acidity.Its not a big deal to get relief from acidity,what matters is what you eat.Make a proper diet plan can so that it give you immense relief. Here we list home remedies for Acidity.
Drinking Water: Drink lukewarm water before going to sleep and as well as drink in the early morning on empty stomach. Never drink water during or immediately after the meal because it leads to improper digestion.
Milk: Milk is a rich source of calcium that prevents build-up of acid in the stomach.Go for a glass of cold milk rather than hot milk.Whenever you feel that there can be the problem of acidity after a meal then you go for glass of cold milk,this will soothe your stomach.
Apple Cider Vinegar : Mix one table spoon of raw and organic apple cider vinegar with four ounces of water and take that before having the meals every time.This will surely helps in treating acidity.
Aloe Vera Juice : This is the best remedy for all the problems in the stomach. Just Mix one ounce of aloe vera juice with 2 ounces of water and drink twice a day.
Basil Leaves : Basil leaves is the best remedy for acidity and gives you instant relief. Whenever you suffer from acidity,eat some basil leaves.You can also boil 5 or 6 basil leaves in a glass of water and have it frequently.
Ginger : Ginger is enriched with anti-inflammation properties which helps to treat acidity.The juice of a ginger will neutralize stomach acids.When you feel the acidity just take the slice of ginger and chew it.
Jaggery: Jaggery is a rich source of potassium which helps in balancing the acids present in the stomach.When you have the acidity problem,you need to take jaggery.
Buttermilk : Mix black pepper powder with a glass of butter milk and drink at frequent intervals.This will surely helps to get relief from acidity.
Here some more simple tips to cure acidity:
Drinking Water: Drink lukewarm water before going to sleep and as well as drink in the early morning on empty stomach. Never drink water during or immediately after the meal because it leads to improper digestion.
Milk: Milk is a rich source of calcium that prevents build-up of acid in the stomach.Go for a glass of cold milk rather than hot milk.Whenever you feel that there can be the problem of acidity after a meal then you go for glass of cold milk,this will soothe your stomach.
Apple Cider Vinegar : Mix one table spoon of raw and organic apple cider vinegar with four ounces of water and take that before having the meals every time.This will surely helps in treating acidity.
Aloe Vera Juice : This is the best remedy for all the problems in the stomach. Just Mix one ounce of aloe vera juice with 2 ounces of water and drink twice a day.
Basil Leaves : Basil leaves is the best remedy for acidity and gives you instant relief. Whenever you suffer from acidity,eat some basil leaves.You can also boil 5 or 6 basil leaves in a glass of water and have it frequently.
Ginger : Ginger is enriched with anti-inflammation properties which helps to treat acidity.The juice of a ginger will neutralize stomach acids.When you feel the acidity just take the slice of ginger and chew it.
Jaggery: Jaggery is a rich source of potassium which helps in balancing the acids present in the stomach.When you have the acidity problem,you need to take jaggery.
Buttermilk : Mix black pepper powder with a glass of butter milk and drink at frequent intervals.This will surely helps to get relief from acidity.
Here some more simple tips to cure acidity:
- Say Bye to coffee and go for a herbal tea
- Drink Lukewarm water everyday
- Make sure to include banana,cucumber and watermelon in your diet.
- Take food at regular intervals but don't eat excess.Have small but regular meals.
- Say good bye to pickles,spicy,chutneys.
- Cut down the alcohol consumption and smoking
10 Foods That Regulate Your Heartbeat
High Heart rate is not good for health. High heart rate may experienced due to stress, high blood pressure.Due to high heart rate, Dogs only live no longer than 10-12 years. Not only for dogs, high heart is not good for humans also. To solve all the problems, You need a healthy diet that regulates the heart beat. Here we list the 10 foods that regulate the heart beat.
1. Yogurt : Yogurt contains vitamin B12 which helps to develop and boosts the nervous system to handle stress.
2. Peppermint : According to Ancient studies, Peppermint improves the blood circulation in the heart and also strengthen the muscles of the heart.
3. Oatmeal : Oatmeal helps to remove the bad cholesterol from the arteries of the heart. The Omega-3 fatty acids in the Oatmeal helps to keep the heart rate stabilized.
4. Raisins : Raisins are low in sodium and rich in potassium. This makes Raisins a best food for having healthy heart rate.
5. Fish : Omega-3 fatty acids are good for heart health, because they contain good cholesterol. Fishes Like Trout and salmon are rich in Omega-3 fatty acids. So include this fishes in your diet chart.
6. Banana : Banana is rich in potassium, which is an essential nutrient for the communication between heart and the brain. So Banana helps to maintain healthy heart rate.
7. Garlic : Garlic removes bad cholesterol and also helps to stop free-radical damage in the heart. Garlic is globally considered as heart healthy spice.
8. Salt : Not only High Heart rates, sometimes slow heart rate can also be a concern and its not good for health. Adding salty foods in your diet helps to improve the slow heart rate.
9. Tofu : Tofu, also known as soybean curd, is a soft, cheese-like food made by curdling fresh hot soymilk with a coagulant. It doesn't contains bad cholesterol. It is rich in Calcium which helps in soothing the heart palpitations.
10. Nuts : Nuts are enriched with healthy mono-saturated fats which protects the heart from shocks and also keep the heart well lubricated.
1. Yogurt : Yogurt contains vitamin B12 which helps to develop and boosts the nervous system to handle stress.
2. Peppermint : According to Ancient studies, Peppermint improves the blood circulation in the heart and also strengthen the muscles of the heart.
3. Oatmeal : Oatmeal helps to remove the bad cholesterol from the arteries of the heart. The Omega-3 fatty acids in the Oatmeal helps to keep the heart rate stabilized.
4. Raisins : Raisins are low in sodium and rich in potassium. This makes Raisins a best food for having healthy heart rate.
5. Fish : Omega-3 fatty acids are good for heart health, because they contain good cholesterol. Fishes Like Trout and salmon are rich in Omega-3 fatty acids. So include this fishes in your diet chart.
6. Banana : Banana is rich in potassium, which is an essential nutrient for the communication between heart and the brain. So Banana helps to maintain healthy heart rate.
7. Garlic : Garlic removes bad cholesterol and also helps to stop free-radical damage in the heart. Garlic is globally considered as heart healthy spice.
8. Salt : Not only High Heart rates, sometimes slow heart rate can also be a concern and its not good for health. Adding salty foods in your diet helps to improve the slow heart rate.
9. Tofu : Tofu, also known as soybean curd, is a soft, cheese-like food made by curdling fresh hot soymilk with a coagulant. It doesn't contains bad cholesterol. It is rich in Calcium which helps in soothing the heart palpitations.
10. Nuts : Nuts are enriched with healthy mono-saturated fats which protects the heart from shocks and also keep the heart well lubricated.
10 Reasons To Avoid Instant Noodles
Instant noodles have become a favorite food that is often eaten daily. Because of its yummy taste and extremely easy to make, replaces the proper healthy meals.Beside this dangers are too often eating instant noodles. Here we list top 10 Reasons why should we avoid instant noodles.
1. Nutrient Absorption : Noodles inhibit the absorption of nutrients for the children under 5.
2. Cancer Causing : The ingredient in the instant noodles called "Styrofoam', Which is a cancer causing agent.
3. Miscarriage : Women who are Eating instant noodles during their pregnancy causes miscarriage, because it affect the development of a foetus.
4. Junk Food : instant noodles are enriched with full of carbohydrates,but no vitamins, fiber and minerals. This makes the instant noodles considered as a junk food.
5. Sodium : Instant noodles are power packed with high amounts of sodium. Excess consumption of sodium leads to heart disease, stroke, hypertension and kidney damage.
6. MSG : Monosodium Glutamate is used to enhance the flavour of instant noodles. People who are allergic to MSG consume it as part of their diet, then they end up suffering from headaches, facial flushing, pain, burning sensations.
7. Overweight : Eating Noodles is the leading cause of obesity. Noodles contains fat and large amounts of sodium, which causes water retention in the body and surely it leads to overweight.
8. Digestion : Instant noodles are bad for digestive system. Regular consumption of instant noodles causes irregular bowl movements and bloating.
9. Propylene Glycol : The ingredient in the instant noodles called "Propylene Glycol" which has a anti-freeze property. This ingredient is used because it prevents the noodles from drying by retaining moisture. It weakens the immune system of our body. It is easily absorbed by the body and it accumulates in the kidneys, heart and liver. It causes abnormalities and damage to those areas.
10. Metabolism : Regular consumption of instant noodles affect the body's metabolism, because of the chemical substances like additives, coloring and preservatives inside the noodles.
1. Nutrient Absorption : Noodles inhibit the absorption of nutrients for the children under 5.
2. Cancer Causing : The ingredient in the instant noodles called "Styrofoam', Which is a cancer causing agent.
3. Miscarriage : Women who are Eating instant noodles during their pregnancy causes miscarriage, because it affect the development of a foetus.
4. Junk Food : instant noodles are enriched with full of carbohydrates,but no vitamins, fiber and minerals. This makes the instant noodles considered as a junk food.
5. Sodium : Instant noodles are power packed with high amounts of sodium. Excess consumption of sodium leads to heart disease, stroke, hypertension and kidney damage.
6. MSG : Monosodium Glutamate is used to enhance the flavour of instant noodles. People who are allergic to MSG consume it as part of their diet, then they end up suffering from headaches, facial flushing, pain, burning sensations.
7. Overweight : Eating Noodles is the leading cause of obesity. Noodles contains fat and large amounts of sodium, which causes water retention in the body and surely it leads to overweight.
8. Digestion : Instant noodles are bad for digestive system. Regular consumption of instant noodles causes irregular bowl movements and bloating.
9. Propylene Glycol : The ingredient in the instant noodles called "Propylene Glycol" which has a anti-freeze property. This ingredient is used because it prevents the noodles from drying by retaining moisture. It weakens the immune system of our body. It is easily absorbed by the body and it accumulates in the kidneys, heart and liver. It causes abnormalities and damage to those areas.
10. Metabolism : Regular consumption of instant noodles affect the body's metabolism, because of the chemical substances like additives, coloring and preservatives inside the noodles.
Macam Macam Vitamin
Macam macam vitamin yang terdapat di bumi ini sangat banyak dan tubuh kita juga memerlukan macam macam vitamin tersebut. Kadangkala tubuh memerlukan vitamin dalam jumlah yang sedikit, namun tidak jarang pula tubuh memerlukan vitamin dalam jumlah banyak, seperti vitamin C untuk mengobati flu, dll.
Dalam artikel kali ini, kita tidak akan membahas tentang manfaat salah satu vitamin tertentu. Namun kali ini kita akan membahas tentang macam macam vitamin dan keterangan singkatnya secara garis besar. Macam-macam vitamin tersebut adalah:
1. Vitamin A: Vitmain ini sangat penting untuk menjaga kesehatan mata. Vitamin A dapat kita peroleh dari buah-buahan berwarna merah dan kuning, misal: wortel, cabe, pisang, pepaya, dll.
2. Vitamin B1: Vitamin ini sangat dibutuhkan untuk menjagakesehatan kulit kita. Anda dapat memperoleh vitamin B1 dari makanan: gandum, kacang hijau, daging, beras, ragi, dsb.
3. Vitamin B2: Vitamin ini bermanfaat untuk mencegah sariawan, bibir pecah-pecah, mulut kering, dll. Vitamin B2 banyak terdapat pada sayuran segar, susu, kuning telur, kacang kedelai, dll.
4. Vitamin B3: Vitamin ini sangat penting untuk menjaga sistem pencernaan, mencegah insomnia, mual-mual, muntah, dll. Sumber makakan yang mengandung vitamin B3 antara lain adalah: buah-buahan, ikan, kentang, gandum, dll.
5. Vitamin C: Vitamin ini sangat penting bagi tubuh kita untuk menyembuhkan berbagai macam penyakit seperti flu, dll. Kita dapat memperoleh vitamin C dari jeruk, tomat, nanas, jambu, sayuran, dll.
6. Vitamin D: Vitamin ini dapat menghindarkan kita dari kerusakan gigi, kejang otot, dan berbagai penyakit tulang. Kita dapat memperoleh vitamin D dari: susu, telur, minyak ikan, keju, dll.
7. Vitamin E: Vitamin E sangat penting untuk mencegah kemandulan pada pria dan wanita, mencegah gangguan syaraf dan otot, dll. Makanan yang mengandung vitamin E antara lain: kuning telur, ayam, ikan, kecambah, dll.
Macam macam vitamin diatas sangat penting untuk kita mengerti agar tubuh kita tidak kekurangan salah satu atau beberapa vitamin penting. Karena, kekurangan vitamin dapat menyebabkan terganggunya proses metabolism dalam tubuh, munculnya berbagai penyakit, hingga kecacatan.
Jadi, mulai sekarang ayo cek kembali asupan vitamin dalam masakan kita.
10 Healthy Fruits for Diabetics
Diet plan is very important for diabetic patients. They should keep a close eye on their diet chart. What you are eating is important.There is a common myth that eating fruits leads to increase in the sugar levels for diabetic patients but the fact is not all the fruits are bad for diabetic patients,there are few healthy fruits that can be really good for diabetic patients such as strawberries,blueberries,apples,pears,raspberries.These fruits provide essential nutrients to our body and also controls the diabetes because these fruits are low in sugar and rich in proteins and vitamins.It will be good if you consume in moderate amounts.
Apples : Apples contains 'pectin' which helps to reduce sugar levels.
Pears : Pears also contains 'pectin' if we consume in moderate amounts it can also controls high blood sugar levels.
Apricots : Apricots are rich in potassium that will be good for diabetic patients. It will be good to consume dried apricots than the fresh ones.
Berries: All types of Berries helps to lower the glycemic index of diabetics.
Kiwi : According to research, consuming kiwi fruit shown a positive correlation which helps to lower the blood sugar level
Cherries : Cherries are rich in fiber which helps to lower the blood sugar levels.
Plums : Plums enriched with fiber that makes an ideal fruit for diabetic and heart patients.Plums are low in calorie as well as low in Glycemic Index
Oranges : Oranges are a rich source of vitamin C and fiber.It lowers Glycemic index and an ideal fruit for diabetics.
Avocado : Avocado contains healthy fats and potassium,this makes it an ideal fruit for diabetics. Avocado lowers the bad cholesterol levels in the body and also lowers triglyceride
Nectarines : Nectarines is a another fruit from citrus family which is an healthy fruit for diabetics. It reduces the chance of getting type-2 diabetes as it was low in Glycemic index
Apples : Apples contains 'pectin' which helps to reduce sugar levels.
Pears : Pears also contains 'pectin' if we consume in moderate amounts it can also controls high blood sugar levels.
Apricots : Apricots are rich in potassium that will be good for diabetic patients. It will be good to consume dried apricots than the fresh ones.
Berries: All types of Berries helps to lower the glycemic index of diabetics.
Kiwi : According to research, consuming kiwi fruit shown a positive correlation which helps to lower the blood sugar level
Cherries : Cherries are rich in fiber which helps to lower the blood sugar levels.
Plums : Plums enriched with fiber that makes an ideal fruit for diabetic and heart patients.Plums are low in calorie as well as low in Glycemic Index
Oranges : Oranges are a rich source of vitamin C and fiber.It lowers Glycemic index and an ideal fruit for diabetics.
Avocado : Avocado contains healthy fats and potassium,this makes it an ideal fruit for diabetics. Avocado lowers the bad cholesterol levels in the body and also lowers triglyceride
Nectarines : Nectarines is a another fruit from citrus family which is an healthy fruit for diabetics. It reduces the chance of getting type-2 diabetes as it was low in Glycemic index
10 Health Benefits of Carrots
Carrots are very good for health, According to studies carrots have more nutritious supplements than in any other vegetables. Carrot is a storehouse of many nutrients, vitamins and minerals.Carrots are enriched with Vitamins B,C,G, Potassium,iron,magnesium,sodium,manganese,silicon,iodine,sulphur.
Here we list Top 10 Health Benefits of Carrots
For Skin : Carrots are very good for skin. Vitamin A and antioxidants protects the skin from sun damage. Carrots prevents Acne,dry skin,premature wrinkling and helps you to get brighter skin
For Eyes : Carrots are rich sources of Vitamin A and B which helps you to yield a better eye sight.
Cancer : Carrots boosts the immunity power and also helps to combat with cancer.
Bad Cholesterol : By Eating one carrot daily helps you to remove the bad cholesterol from the body.
Brain : Carrots have more calories which helps to boost the memory power of a children.
Stress : To relieve from stress, Drink glass of carrot juice daily.
For a Healthy Heart : Carrots are enriched with Beta-carotene, Alpha-Carotene and Lutein which helps to lower the risk of heart disease.
Cleanse The Body : Carrots have fiber which helps to clean out the colon and reduces the fat in the liver.
Powerful Antiseptic : According to herbalists carrots can be used to prevent infection. They can be applied on cuts- boiled or shredded raw.
Anti-Aging : The Beta-Carotene in the carrots helps to slows down the aging cells in the body.
Here we list Top 10 Health Benefits of Carrots
For Skin : Carrots are very good for skin. Vitamin A and antioxidants protects the skin from sun damage. Carrots prevents Acne,dry skin,premature wrinkling and helps you to get brighter skin
For Eyes : Carrots are rich sources of Vitamin A and B which helps you to yield a better eye sight.
Cancer : Carrots boosts the immunity power and also helps to combat with cancer.
Bad Cholesterol : By Eating one carrot daily helps you to remove the bad cholesterol from the body.
Brain : Carrots have more calories which helps to boost the memory power of a children.
Stress : To relieve from stress, Drink glass of carrot juice daily.
For a Healthy Heart : Carrots are enriched with Beta-carotene, Alpha-Carotene and Lutein which helps to lower the risk of heart disease.
Cleanse The Body : Carrots have fiber which helps to clean out the colon and reduces the fat in the liver.
Powerful Antiseptic : According to herbalists carrots can be used to prevent infection. They can be applied on cuts- boiled or shredded raw.
Anti-Aging : The Beta-Carotene in the carrots helps to slows down the aging cells in the body.
Health benefits of Bananas for Many Diseases
Bananas have lots of Health benefits. Bananas gives an instant and sustainable boost of energy. Bananas contain three natural sugars - sucrose, fructose and glucose combined with fiber. According to Research, It proves that just two bananas provide energy for a strenuous 90-minute workout and that's why it is the king of fruits and the number one fruit with the world's leading athletes. Energy is not only the thing which we can get from bananas beside this we have lot of benefits and beneficial for sustainable number of illnesses and conditions, making it a must to add to our daily diet.
Bananas are beneficial for the following cases
- Reduces Depression
- Reduce the bowel system
- Reduce the blood pressure and risk of heart attacks
- Help our bones grow stronger
- Help individuals to quit smoking
- Help Prevent Anemia
- Gives instant energy
- Reduce the menstrual pains
- Boosts our brain
- Help prevent Ulcers
According to Japanese Scientific Research, full ripe banana with dark patches on yellow skin produces a substance called TNF (Tumor Necrosis Factor) which has the ability to combat abnormal cells. The more darker patches it has the higher will be its immunity enhancement quality. Hence, the riper the banana have more having the anti-oxidant properties
Yellow skin bananas with dark spots are 8 times more effective in enhancing the property of white blood cells than green skin version.
Eating 1-2 banana/s a day increases immunity.
So, Bananas are really a natural remedy for many ills. When you compare Banana with an Apple then it is
It has Four Times the protein than Apple
Twice the Carbohydrate
Three times the phosphorous
Five times the vitamin A and Iron
Twice the other Vitamins and other minerals
Banana is also rich in potassium and is one of the best value foods around the globe. So maybe its time to change that well-known phrase so that we say, 'A BANANA a day keeps the doctor away!'
So Take bananas regularly in your diet.
10 Cara mengubah rasa sperma
Untuk meningkatkan gairah wanita melalui seks oral, pria disarankan melakukan kebiasaan sehat agar rasa sperma menjadi jauh lebih manis. Dengan demikian, para wanita akan merasa lebih nyaman atau bahkan ketagihan untuk melakukan seks oral.
Nah, berikut adalah cara membuat rasa sperma jadi manis, seperti dilansir
1. Berhenti mengonsumsi alkohol, kafein dan nikotin.
2. Minum banyak air, 1-2 liter sehari untuk mengeluarkan racun dari tubuh.
3. Makan buah-buahan segar setiap hari untuk mempermanis rasa sperma.
Nanas, pepaya, cranberry, melon, mangga, apel, dan anggur adalah pilihan yang baik untuk menghilangkan rasa pahit pada sperma.
4. Makan banyak sayuran yang baik untuk meningkatkan rasa sperma. Namun, hindari jenis sayuran seperti kubis, brokoli, asparagus.
5. Mengurangi konsumsi daging merah karena membuat rasa sperma jadi asin. Produk susu seperti susu dan keju juga membuat sperma terasa asin.
6. Hindari rempah-rempah, seperti bawang putih dan merah, karena dapat merusak rasa sperma. Hal ini disebabkan kandungan sulfur yang tinggi pada makanan tersebut.
7. Jangan membeli produk yang mengklaim dapat membuat rasa air mani menjadi lebih enak karena tidak terbukti efektif.
8. Peterseli dan seledri sangat direkomendasikan untuk meningkatkan rasa air mani agar lebih manis. Hal ini dikarenakan adanya kandungan klorofil yang tinggi.
9. Kayu manis, kapulaga, peppermint dan lemon sangat direkomendasikan untuk membuat rasa air mani jadi lebih manis.
10. Hindari makanan cepat saji karena sarat akan bahan kimia dan pengawet yang dapat mencemari tubuh dan rasa air mani.
Sebagian besar pria suka dirangsang melalui seks oral. Hal ini dikarenakan mulut dan lidah punya kontur yang bagus untuk merangsang bagian sensitif pada alat kelamin pria. Maka tak heran, jika banyak pria sering meminta pasangan mereka untuk melakukan seks oral.
Monday, July 1, 2013
Health Benefits of Oranges for many diseases
Every body loves Orange in the world as it tastes good,Besides this Orange is the fruit which is loaded with lot of vitamins. orange fruit contains an impressive list of essential nutrients, vitamins, minerals for normal growth and development and overall well-being and most importantly Vitamin C is most abudant in Oranges as this powerful vitamin C protects our body against harmful elements. Here we list out the benefits of oranges which are beneficial for many diseases. The Scientific name of Orange is Citrus sinensis.
Oranges are Beneficial for the following cases :
* Asthma
* Bronchitis
* Tuberculosis
* Pneumonia
* Rheumatism
* Prevent kidney stone
* Helps lower cholesterol
* Helps prevent diabetes
* Arthritis
* High blood pressure
* Persons addicted to alcohol have found that the desire for liquor is greatly reduced by drinking of orange juice.
* Consumption of large quantities of oranges will decrease the outpouring of mucus secretions from the nose.
Here some of the Health benefits of Oranges :
>It filters the blood
>Strengthens the bones, hair, nails and teeth
>Reduces the cholesterol
>Very beneficial of Skin disease
Nutritional Contents of Orange :
1. Orange contains Betacarotene, an powerful antioxidant that protects our cells from being damage.
2. Calcium that helps to protect and maintain the health of our bone and teeth.
3. Folic Acid which helps for proper brain development.
4. Magnesium which helps to control blood pressure.
5. Potassium which helps to maintain electrolyte balance in the cells, and is important in maintaining a healthy cardiovascular system.
6. Thiamin which helps to convert the food into energy.
7. Vitamin B6 which helps to support the production of hemoglobin that carries oxygen to all parts of the body...
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