Not surprisingly, ABs can be quite dualistic, possessing both A and B traits. You may be shy and outgoing, and hesitant and confident. You often stand out from others, don’t like labels, and are nice and easy going. You are logical and determined to do things correctly. Usually trustworthy, you like to help others. You often speak in a serious manner. Your patience, concentration, and intelligence are admirable. AB can find a soul mate with any other blood type. Common career choices: bartender, lawyer, teacher, sales representative, and social worker.
Facts: Roughly 4% of the world is AB negative and 1% AB
Traits: Laid back
and outgoing, shy and assertive, a blend of opposites. Unpredictable, compelling
may seem to have calm exterior. Introvert and extrovert friends find them
dependable but they may rebel if they are overwhelmed. Unpredictable in social
situations sometimes shy with some, bold with others. Strong creative strain.
Artist/performer. Everything they do is compelling. Drawn to psychology,
astrology, fortune telling, spiritual. Good politician or diplomat. Could be too
flexible. Good at spotting problems and averting them. Likes city environments,
but may feels claustrophobic. Home must have elements that inspire thought and
action. Social, subdued and torn in many directions. Successful at what they
People with Type AB Blood are said to have a delicate
sensitivity. They are considerate of other people's feelings and deal with them
with care and caution. On the other hand, though, they are strict with
themselves and those close to them. They, therefore, seem to have two
personalities: one for those "outside ", and another for people on the "inside".
They often become sentimental, and they tend to think too deeply about things.
AB Types have a lot of friends, but they need time to be
alone and think things through, as well.
• Usually gentle and emotionally sensative;
• Are very empathetic and careful when dealing with other people, taking care to consider the other point of view;
• Easily become lost in thought;
• Are sometimes looked at as having 2 personalities, because they tend to keep their true selves hidden from strangers;
• They have many friends, but also require time alone.
Best traits : Cool, controlled, rational, sociable, adaptable
Worst traits : Critical, indecisive, forgetful, irresponsible, "split personality"
"Our prime purpose in this life is to help others, and if you can't help them, at least don't hurt them." ~Dalai Lama
Friday, June 28, 2013
B "Active" Personality Characteristics
You can be very goal-oriented and often complete the ambitious tasks set before you. Outgoing and very charming, you’re good at reading people and providing support. Though critical of appearance (but not your own), you aren’t picky and are unlikely to dwell over the little things. Type Bs are impulsive individualists who often create their own path in life. You are very strong and optimistic. B is most compatible with B and AB lovers. Common career choices: cook, hairdresser, military leader, talk show host, and journalist.
Facts: Roughly 9% of the world is B negative and 2% B positive.
Traits: Rational, pragmatic, organizer, individualist, egocentric, mind over emotion. Fixes, builds, creates. Feels best when things run smoothly. May focus on what they are doing and neglect other things. Organised but may have clutter around them. Energetic and has drive to reach goals. May be fanatic and work to the "bitter end". Entrepreneurial but may not be flexible. Not the best team player. Rebels against structure of team and therefore an individualist. May be called self absorbed. Looks for matter of fact solution v sentimental one. May be accused of being cold or formal. Reserved in friendship
People with Type B Blood are curious about and interested in everything. That's may be good, but they also tend to have too many interests and hobbies, and they tend to get all excited about something suddenly and then later drop it again just as quickly. But they do manage to know which of their many interests or loved ones are the ones that are really important, the ones they should hold on to.
B Types tend to excel in things rather than just be average. But they tend to be so involved in their own world or become so carried away with something that they neglect other things.
They have the image of being bright and cheerful, full of energy and enthusiasm, but some people think that they are really quite different on the inside. And it can also be said about them that they don't really want to have much real contact with others.
• Tend to be exceedingly curious about everything;
• Are easily vexed and grow exasperated if things don't go the way they want them to go;
• Usually have a strong drive to be the best at whatever they set their mind to doing; however, they also tend to neglect other tasks for the sake of whatever they are focusing on;
• Have a hard time multi-tasking;
• Tend to be loners, and keep themselves isolated from others;
Best traits : Wild, active, doer, creative, passionate, strong
Worst traits : Selfish, irresponsible, unforgiving, erratic
Facts: Roughly 9% of the world is B negative and 2% B positive.
Traits: Rational, pragmatic, organizer, individualist, egocentric, mind over emotion. Fixes, builds, creates. Feels best when things run smoothly. May focus on what they are doing and neglect other things. Organised but may have clutter around them. Energetic and has drive to reach goals. May be fanatic and work to the "bitter end". Entrepreneurial but may not be flexible. Not the best team player. Rebels against structure of team and therefore an individualist. May be called self absorbed. Looks for matter of fact solution v sentimental one. May be accused of being cold or formal. Reserved in friendship
People with Type B Blood are curious about and interested in everything. That's may be good, but they also tend to have too many interests and hobbies, and they tend to get all excited about something suddenly and then later drop it again just as quickly. But they do manage to know which of their many interests or loved ones are the ones that are really important, the ones they should hold on to.
B Types tend to excel in things rather than just be average. But they tend to be so involved in their own world or become so carried away with something that they neglect other things.
They have the image of being bright and cheerful, full of energy and enthusiasm, but some people think that they are really quite different on the inside. And it can also be said about them that they don't really want to have much real contact with others.
• Tend to be exceedingly curious about everything;
• Are easily vexed and grow exasperated if things don't go the way they want them to go;
• Usually have a strong drive to be the best at whatever they set their mind to doing; however, they also tend to neglect other tasks for the sake of whatever they are focusing on;
• Have a hard time multi-tasking;
• Tend to be loners, and keep themselves isolated from others;
Best traits : Wild, active, doer, creative, passionate, strong
Worst traits : Selfish, irresponsible, unforgiving, erratic
A "Cool" Personality Characteristics
Type As may seem calm on the outside, but inside, you’re filled with anxiety and worry. You’re perfectionists and often shy and sensitive. Usually introverted, you’re stable and thoughtful. You make good listeners and are sensitive to color and your surroundings. You like to be fashionable and are up on the latest trends, but never flashy or gaudy. You like romantic settings and often shun reality for fantasy worlds. A is most compatible with A and AB in the love department. Common career choices: accountant, librarian, economist, writer, computer programmer, and gossip columnist.
Facts: Roughly 34% of the world is A negative and 6% A positive.
Traits: Reserved calm, even tempered, introverted, sensitive to public opinion, responsible, reliable even tempered and takes charge when others are in confusion. May be introvert, standoffish or shy. May feel nervous or ill at ease with others. Sensitive to surroundings and other people. Hesitant to change. May feel misunderstood. Nature lover and prefers suburbs away from crowds. Needs a private space for refuge. May be accused of being a pessimist. Because of their fear of change many are artists or creative types due to sensitivity. Craves success.Speaking broadly, it is said that people with Type A Blood are calm, composed, very levelheaded and serious. They have a firm character, and are reliable and trustworthy (and hardheaded). They think things over and make plans deliberately, and they plug away at things steadily and assiduously. They try to make themselves more like their own ideal of what they should be.
A Types may look aloof or distant to others. They try to suppress their own emotions, and because they have continual practice in doing this, this makes them appear strong. But, actually, they have a fragile, nervous side, as well.
They tend to be hard on people who are not of the same type, and so they consequently tend to be surrounded with people of the same temperament.
• Presence of mind, serious, patient, calm & cool;
• Coherent character, can be relied on & trusted, but stuborn;
• Plan everything out beforehand, and carry out tasks with seriousness and consistency;
• Try to be fair and find the ideal outcome to any situation;
• Tend to keep themselves separate from others, especially those who don't share their opinions;
• Tend to try and keep their emotions and thoughts hidden from others, and share them only when comfortable.
Best traits : Earnest, creative, sensible, reserved, patient, responsible
Worst traits : Fastidious, overearnest, stubborn, tense
Facts: Roughly 34% of the world is A negative and 6% A positive.
Traits: Reserved calm, even tempered, introverted, sensitive to public opinion, responsible, reliable even tempered and takes charge when others are in confusion. May be introvert, standoffish or shy. May feel nervous or ill at ease with others. Sensitive to surroundings and other people. Hesitant to change. May feel misunderstood. Nature lover and prefers suburbs away from crowds. Needs a private space for refuge. May be accused of being a pessimist. Because of their fear of change many are artists or creative types due to sensitivity. Craves success.Speaking broadly, it is said that people with Type A Blood are calm, composed, very levelheaded and serious. They have a firm character, and are reliable and trustworthy (and hardheaded). They think things over and make plans deliberately, and they plug away at things steadily and assiduously. They try to make themselves more like their own ideal of what they should be.
A Types may look aloof or distant to others. They try to suppress their own emotions, and because they have continual practice in doing this, this makes them appear strong. But, actually, they have a fragile, nervous side, as well.
They tend to be hard on people who are not of the same type, and so they consequently tend to be surrounded with people of the same temperament.
• Presence of mind, serious, patient, calm & cool;
• Coherent character, can be relied on & trusted, but stuborn;
• Plan everything out beforehand, and carry out tasks with seriousness and consistency;
• Try to be fair and find the ideal outcome to any situation;
• Tend to keep themselves separate from others, especially those who don't share their opinions;
• Tend to try and keep their emotions and thoughts hidden from others, and share them only when comfortable.
Best traits : Earnest, creative, sensible, reserved, patient, responsible
Worst traits : Fastidious, overearnest, stubborn, tense
O "Hot" Personality Characteristics
You are the social butterflies. Often popular and self-confident, you are very creative and always seem to be the center of attention. You make a good impression on people and you’re often quite attractive. Organized and determined, your stubbornness will help you reach your goals. You make good leaders. Lovewise, O is most compatible with O and AB. Common career choices: banker, politician, gambler, minister, investment broker, and pro athlete.
Facts: Roughly 38% of the world is O negative and 6% O positive.
Traits: Sociable, energetic, extroverted, frank, realist, showy, flighty, generalist, makes friends easily -goes with flow and grasps opportunity. Quick to start a project or chase an idea. When prospects are bad, they may be the first to bail out. May have short attention span, and expresses strong emotions. May quickly take opposite views that are deep but not always durable. Classic entrepreneur movers and shakers move from place to place. Expresses their emotions but can be swayed by other blood types. Has an intrinsic elegance. Sociable and showy. May be good at adapting to circumstances. Words come easily to them. Not self-conscious and will frankly reveal inner feelings. Ambitious, but may have issues with detail.Type O Blood people are said to set the mood for a group and to take on the role of creating harmony among its members. Their image is one of taking it easy, of being peaceful and carefree. They are also thought to be big-hearted and benevolent, and they tend to spend money on others generously.
O Types are generally "loved by all". But, they also, surprisingly, have a stubborn and strong-willed side, as well, and tend to secretly have their own opinions on things. On the other hand, they are flexible, have the adaptable side of readily accepting new things. They are easily influenced by other people or by what they see on TV.
They seem to appear levelheaded and trustworthy, but they often slip and make big blunders inadvertently. But that is also the point that makes O Types lovable.
• Are usually the "cheerleader" of the group;
•Tend to be more followers than leaders, accepting whatever the plan is and going alone with it without protest;
• Very generous and kindhearted;
• Generally well-liked by most people;
• Very flexible, and adapt easily to change;
• They are easily influenced by others, as well as perceived authorities, such as television personalities;
•Generally trustworthy, but can sometimes make mistakes due to lapses of focus.
Best traits : Confident, self-determined, optimistic, strong-willed, intuitive
Worst traits : Self-centered, cold, doubtful, unpredictable, "workaholic"
Facts: Roughly 38% of the world is O negative and 6% O positive.
Traits: Sociable, energetic, extroverted, frank, realist, showy, flighty, generalist, makes friends easily -goes with flow and grasps opportunity. Quick to start a project or chase an idea. When prospects are bad, they may be the first to bail out. May have short attention span, and expresses strong emotions. May quickly take opposite views that are deep but not always durable. Classic entrepreneur movers and shakers move from place to place. Expresses their emotions but can be swayed by other blood types. Has an intrinsic elegance. Sociable and showy. May be good at adapting to circumstances. Words come easily to them. Not self-conscious and will frankly reveal inner feelings. Ambitious, but may have issues with detail.Type O Blood people are said to set the mood for a group and to take on the role of creating harmony among its members. Their image is one of taking it easy, of being peaceful and carefree. They are also thought to be big-hearted and benevolent, and they tend to spend money on others generously.
O Types are generally "loved by all". But, they also, surprisingly, have a stubborn and strong-willed side, as well, and tend to secretly have their own opinions on things. On the other hand, they are flexible, have the adaptable side of readily accepting new things. They are easily influenced by other people or by what they see on TV.
They seem to appear levelheaded and trustworthy, but they often slip and make big blunders inadvertently. But that is also the point that makes O Types lovable.
• Are usually the "cheerleader" of the group;
•Tend to be more followers than leaders, accepting whatever the plan is and going alone with it without protest;
• Very generous and kindhearted;
• Generally well-liked by most people;
• Very flexible, and adapt easily to change;
• They are easily influenced by others, as well as perceived authorities, such as television personalities;
•Generally trustworthy, but can sometimes make mistakes due to lapses of focus.
Best traits : Confident, self-determined, optimistic, strong-willed, intuitive
Worst traits : Self-centered, cold, doubtful, unpredictable, "workaholic"
Sunday, June 23, 2013
16 Things That Can Sink Your (or His) Sex Drive
Sex used to be so simple (if you don’t count birth control, STDs, and unplanned pregnancy). But as life gets more complicated, so does your sex drive. Whereas once you were ready to go at the drop of a hat (or pants, as the case may be), there are a number of emotional, physical, and psychological concerns that can easily dampen your drive. We talked to a handful of experts and compiled this list of the 16 biggest libido busters. Find out if one is, ahem, coming between you and the sex life you deserve.
We are a nation of chronically sleep-deprived adults. This is not only affecting our looks, health, and ability to deal with everyday stressors, it’s also killing our sex drive. According to Dr. Robert D. Oexman, Director of the Sleep to Live Institute in Joplin, MO, chronic sleep deprivation, which can occur even if you get a solid six hours a night (the majority of adults need at least seven), can lower levels of testosterone—the sex drive hormone—in both men and women.
Chronic snoring not only interrupts the snorer’s sleep, but also the person sleeping beside them. Suffering from sleep apnea, a condition that causes abnormal breathing throughout the night, can also result in chronic sleep deprivation, which not only affects sex drive but can also increases appetite, leading to weight gain, Dr. Oexman says.
Depression is a common cause of poor sex drive and, in classic chicken and egg fashion, is often a reason for poor sleep quality. Not to mention that it can cause weight gain, leading to other libido-dampening medical conditions such as diabetes and high blood pressure, Dr. Oexman says.
If the jeans you wore in college (or even last year) won’t go past mid thigh, there’s a good chance you’ve gone up two full pant sizes—about 20 extra pounds. Not loving how you look naked certainly won’t help your sex drive, plus those health conditions associated with weight gain can interfere with sex drive, adding insult to injury.
As any red-blooded male knows all too well, the penis is full of veins, and, according to Cully Carson, MD, a Rhodes distinguished professor of Urology at the University of North Carolina, one of the first things doctors check for when a patient complains of erectile dysfunction (ED) is underlying vascular disease or heart problems.
If your arteries aren’t up to snuff, it can inhibit blood flow to the genital area, resulting in weak erections. High cholesterol and high blood pressure can also cause ED.
Ironically, some of the drugs used to treat the conditions that decrease sex drive (the SSRI family of depression medications, some high blood pressure meds) can dampen it on their own.
“Any drug that affects the central nervous system can impact sex drive,” Dr. Carson says.
7. Your Neck
At the base of your throat is the thyroid gland, which regulates metabolism via thyroid hormones. According to Karen Boyle, MD, a urologic surgeon at the Greater Baltimore Medical Center and an expert in male and female sexual health, an abnormal thyroid can significantly decrease sex drive, especially in post-menopausal women. Depending on the type of thyroid abnormality, it could also lead to weight gain, which (hello chicken and egg) can mess with your sex drive as well.
8. Weekday Warrior Syndrome
Like sleep deprivation, anything that causes chronic, low-grade fatigue can lower sex hormones and increase appetite. In this case, excess exercise. While this is not a huge problem for most people, trying to work a full day then hitting the gym every night after work can result in the same libido-sapping exhaustion as skimping on sleep, Dr. Boyle says.
9. Your Smart Phone
Unless you’re using it to watch a racy movie together (which we don’t recommend on such a small screen), technology in the bedroom is a guaranteed sex killer, says Sharon Gilchrest O’Neill, a licensed marriage and family therapist and author of A Short Guide to a Happy Marriage.
“Laptops and smart phones just distract you from each other, and it’s nearly impossible to get your head in the right place for sex when two seconds ago you were responding to an email from your boss,” she says.
On Mad Men, Don and Roger can drink straight bourbon all day long, smoke cigarettes, and successfully seduce every woman in sight. Which is why it’s a TV show. According to Dr. Carson, smoking, a killer not just for your heart and lungs but for vein health as well, is one of the worst things you can do to your sex drive, and to a lesser extent drinking (mostly to excess—like Mad Men), which can reduce sensitivity and the ability to achieve orgasm in both men and women.
11. No Vacation Since 2007
Living is stressful. And if you’re living together, you’re also stressing together. Of the emotional sources of low libido, stress is probably sexual enemy number one, whatever its root cause. The cure (at least temporarily) is to get away from the stress, aka take a vacation. Because they don’t call it vacation sex for nothin’.
This classic tailor euphemism for the direction in which a man’s penis curves could indicate a condition known as Peyronie’s disease, in which scar tissue (typically from damage caused during intercourse) results in a painful curvature of the penis—not the sexiest situation we can think of. Luckily the condition is pretty easily corrected with oral medication and injections.
Add up the sleep deprivation, the fluctuating hormones, the post-pregnancy weight, the worry, and you’ve got a recipe for seriously low libido, O’Neill says. And according to Dr. Boyle, childbirth itself can cause vaginal changes including tears, decreased sensitivity, and vaginal laxity that can make it difficult to achieve orgasm, or even become aroused at all.
Unresolved anger is one of the biggest issues O’Neill sees in her practice, especially in long-term relationships. When anger and resentment simmer for days or even weeks on end, these feelings can come to the surface in the bedroom, when external forces (kids, friends, coworkers) are removed, and it’s hard to feel attracted to your partner when you’re stewing over something, O’Neill says. Women will often sweep the fight under the rug to keep the peace, which can chip away at sex drive, she adds.
This one may be a no-brainer. While you’re supposed to love each other through thick and thin, if one partner has gone from thin to thick, it’s perfectly normal for attraction to wane.
It’s not harmful if no one gets touched, right? Actually, the “emotional affair” and flirtation that takes place at work, in your social circle, on Facebook, even on Pinterest (though we’re not sure how that would work) is detrimental because it’s taking time and energy away from your partner, which are both essential to keeping passion alive and well, O’Neill explains.
Friday, June 21, 2013
25 Superfoods for Better Sex
Turn up the heat in the bedroom with these foods proven to boost libido.
"Mother nature's prescription for a healthy sex life is high-fat animal foods, such as whole milk, cream, and butter," says Kaayla T. Daniel, nutritionist and author of The Whole Soy Story: The Dark Side of America's Favorite Health Food. We require plenty of fats, but the natural, saturated kind (not the trans fats in margarine and grease) if we're going to produce sex hormones.
"You know what they say about oysters..." men have uttered to dates as they order the well-known aphrodisiac. The seafood has earned a spot on our list because it's high in zinc, which helps produce sperm and increases libido. Try ‘em cooked or raw.
The health nuts are on to something. As if veggies couldn't get any better for you, Genie James, author ofIn the Mood Again, recommends natural hormone-balancing foods to help boost your sex drive. In the book, James devotes an entire chapter to "sexy-healthy eating" to keep your sex life hot and sizzling. Start with asparagus!
It may be hard to find someone who enjoys eating liver, but it can make you a better lover, so why not try it? The reason: Liver is loaded with zinc, which is necessary to maintain optimum levels of testosterone. Inadequate zinc levels prevent the pituitary gland from releasing hormones that stimulate testosterone production, James explains. "Zinc also inhibits the aromatase enzyme that converts testosterone into excess estrogen."
Red Wine
After surveying 800 women between the ages of 18 and 50, researchers at the University of Florence found that women who drank two glasses of red wine a day had a higher libido than those who preferred other alcoholic drinks or were teetotalers. Drinking pinot noir, cabernet, and other reds not only helps decrease inhibitions, but makes one more sexually active.
We knew we loved the incredible, edible egg for a reason! Not only are eggs the biggest symbol for fertility, they're also high in B5 and B6, which help balance hormone levels and fight stress.
Duh, caviar are eggs too! They have the same B5 and B6 vitamins that chicken eggs have, which balance hormone levels.
Penis jokes aside, bananas really are a "sex" food. They're loaded with potassium, magnesium, B vitamins and the bromeliad enzyme—ingredients that enhance the male libido.
"Lignans are another exemplary phytoestrogenic food group," says James. They're present in a wide variety of plant foods, including seeds (flax, flax seed oil, pumpkin, sunflower, poppy), whole grains (rye, oats, barley), and fruits (particularly berries). "Flaxseed is by far the richest dietary source of plant lignans," says James.
Sweet Potatoes
Sweet potatoes are not only a healthier alternative to French fries, they're also a good "sex" food. It's simple—your body transforms the beta-carotene found in the vegetable into vitamin A, which keeps your vagina and uterus in good shape, plus helps produce sex hormones.
Who knew that the thing most of us have to drink every morning would be the very thing that can enhance sexual arousal. Caffeine can put you in the mood. We might think twice next time we drink it during our morning meeting.
Eating chocolate makes us happy because it tastes so good. Not to mention, it's a chemical thing! Chocolate contains theobromine, a stimulating alkaloid similar to caffeine. It also produces serotonin, which makes us feel good.
Pumpkin Seeds
They're one of nature's richest sources of zinc, which is said to elevate testosterone levels. Now you'll know what to do with the waste from those carved jack-o-lanterns on Halloween.
According to Indian researchers, nutmeg extract is an aphrodisiac. Simply put, it stimulates nerve cells and blood circulation, which boosts sexual desire. Add that to our coffee, please, and we'll have a double dose of sexy.
Pig sex with truffles? Sounds preposterous, right? However, truffles have been said to contain an ingredient similar to the male pig sex hormone. There's a special chemical in truffles, which is a yummy fungus used in fine foods, that girl pigs are attracted to. Have you ever had truffle mashed potatoes? Yum!
Sunflower Seeds
Like oatmeal and pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds have a similar effect to boost hormone levels and sex drive, thanks to the good oils they contain.
Fatty fish to be exact has been linked to increasing sex drive. Try mackerel, herring, trout, sardines, and albacore tuna, which contain the omega-3 fatty acid. That's one reason why men struggling with low libido take a fish oil supplement.
Peanuts are high in zinc, which has proven to help the body produce healthier sperm by increasing sperm count and motility. "A USDA study found that semen volume dropped 30 percent when zinc intake was low," James says. "Research published in theAmerican Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that male volunteers who consumed low amounts of zinc exhibited decreased semen volumes and serum testosterone concentrations."
Don't forget about edamame! It's rich in phytoestrogens, too. "Did you know that the number one Japanese porn star was 72 years old? Many postulate that to the fact that the Japanese diet is rich in phytoestrogens," James says.
Roast Beef
Like liver, roast beef is also loaded with zinc. But for nutrition’s sake, if you’re going to eat roast beef to amp up your sex drive, go with the low-fat kind, such as that found in the beef shoulder, shank, and chuck, which contains about 10 mg of zinc per 100 g serving.
Like liver and roast beef, lamb also has a lot of zinc in it. Try Middle Eastern and Mediterranean dishes made with the meat. You can also try eating mutton.
Avocados have been seen as a feminine fruit for its shape. Maybe it’s just that sexy, or maybe it’s the fruit’s B6 and potassium that gives the system a sexual boost. Spanish priests in history forbade them to their parishioners, in fact.
By the same token, oatmeal is also in that phytoestrogenic food group. In fact, anything with bran, like wheat and rye, are also on that list. So what are you planning to eat for breakfast tomorrow? (Wink, wink!)
Saturday, June 8, 2013
ABO Blood Type Calculator
ABO blood type calculator can be used to predict possibilities
of paternity.
The calculator is used to determine either:
- The ABO blood type of the child when the blood type of the mother and the father are known (top chart), or
- The ABO blood type of the father if the blood type of the mother and the child are known (bottom chart).
For example, two O blood type parents can produce a child with only O blood type. Two parents with A blood type can produce a child with either A or O blood types. Two parents with B blood type can produce a child with either B or O blood type. One parent with A and another with B can produce a child with A, B, AB or O blood types. If one parent has A and another has AB, they can either produce a child with A, B or AB blood types. If one parent has A and another has O, they can either produce a child with A or O blood types.
Rh Positive (Rh+) and Negative (Rh-) Blood Types
The Rh (+/-) factor is inherited separately from the ABO blood types. Similarly to the masking effect of the O gene in ABO blood types, the Rh negative (Rh-) gene is also masked by the presence of a Rh positive (Rh+) genotype. Therefore, a person may have a Rh + blood type and can still have an Rh - gene (See the chart below). Furthermore, 2 parents with Rh + blood types can have a child with Rh - blood type.
Monday, June 3, 2013
History of blood type
There has been extensive scientific research over the past 30 years that shows evidence that your individual blood type determines your predisposition toward getting certain diseases, such as cancer, heart disease, diabetes, lupus, muscular sclerosis, allergies, etc. Our blood type also determines what type of biochemistry our digestive systems are made of. "Your blood type is a powerful genetic fingerprint that identifies you as surely as your DNA.
Blood group O is believed to be the Hunter, the earliest human blood group. The diet recommends that these supposedly muscular, active people eat a meat-rich diet.
As a Blood Type O you may be predisposed to certain illnesses, such as ulcers and thyroid disorders. In the 1950’s it was discovered that Type O’s had about twice the instances of ulcers of all kinds than the other blood types. These findings have been replicated many times since then. Type O’s tend to have low levels of thyroid hormone and often exhibit insufficient levels of iodine, a chemical element whose sole purpose is thyroid hormone regulation. This causes many side effects such as weight gain, fluid retention and fatigue. Dr. D’Adamo does not recommend iodine supplements, rather a diet rich in saltwater fish and kelp to help regulate the thyroid gland. Bladder Wrack is also an excellent nutrient for type O’s. This herb, actually a seaweed, is very effective as an aid to weight control for Type O’s. “The fucose in bladder wrack seems to help normalize the sluggish metabolic rate and produce weight loss in Type O’s,” says Dr. D’Adamo.
Type O’s also have a higher level of stomach acid than the other blood types, which often results in stomach irritation and ulcers. Dr. D’Adamo recommends a licorice preparation called DGL (de glycyrrhizinated licorice) which can reduce discomfort and aid healing. DGL protects the stomach lining in addition to protecting it from stomach acids. Avoid crude licorice preparations as they contain a component of the plant which can cause elevated blood pressure. This component has been removed in DGL. Dr. D'Adamo also recommends Mastic Gum and Bismuth to soothe Type O's common and even frequent tummy troubles.
Blood group A is called the Cultivator, who believes it to be a more recently evolved blood type, dating back from the dawn of agriculture. The diet recommends that individuals of blood group A eat a diet emphasizing vegetables and free of red meat, a more vegetarian food intake.
Many neurochemical factors in the Type A genetic disposition favor a structured, rhythmic, harmonious life, surrounded by a positive, supportive community. The harried pace and increased sense of isolation experienced by so many in today's society often make these needs difficult to achieve. Type A best exemplifies the powerful interconnections between mind and body. This was vital to the shift away from hunting and procurement to building and growing. However, Type A's more internalized relationship to stress, which served your ancestors well, can be a challenge for the modern Type A. The Blood Type Diet's proactive mix of lifestyle strategies, hormonal equalizers, gentle exercise and specialized dietary guidelines will maximize your overall health; decrease your natural risk factors for cancer, diabetes and cardiovascular disease. The result: high performance, mental clarity, greater vitality and increased longevity.
"When we discuss 'diet,' we are not talking necessarily about a weight loss plan, that's a side benefit to following this plan. We are actually discussing diet in the more traditional sense, meaning a way to eat," explains, Dr. D'Adamo. Type As flourish on a vegetarian diet - if you are accustomed to eating meat, you will lose weight and have more energy once you eliminate the toxic foods from your diet. Many people find it difficult to move away from the typical meat and potato fare to soy proteins, grains and vegetables. But it is particularly important for sensitive Type As to eat their foods in as natural a state as possible: pure, fresh and organic. "I can't emphasize enough how this critical dietary adjustment can be to the sensitive immune system of Type A. With this diet you can supercharge your immune system and potentially short circuit the development of life threatening diseases."
Blood group B is called the Nomad, associated with a strong immune system and a flexible digestive system. The blood type diet claims that people of blood type B are the only ones who can thrive on dairy products.
As a Type B, you carry the genetic potential for great malleability and the ability to thrive in changeable conditions. Unlike blood types A and O, which are at opposite ends of every spectrum, your position is fluid, rather than stationary, with the ability to move in either direction along the continuum. It's easy to see how this flexibility served the interests of early Type B's who needed to balance the twin forces of the animal and vegetable kingdoms. At the same time, it can be extremely challenging to balance two poles and Type B's tend to be highly sensitive to the effects of slipping out of balance.
The primary challenges that can get in the way of optimum health for Type B include a tendency to produce higher than normal cortisol levels in situations to stress; sensitivity to the B specific lectins in select foods, resulting in inflammation and greater risk for developing Syndrome X; susceptibility to slow growing, lingering viruses - such as those for MS, CFS, and lupus; and a vulnerability to autoimmune diseases. "If I were to generalize," says Dr. D'Adamo, "I would say that a healthy Type B, living right for his or her own type, tends to have fewer risk factors for disease and tends to be more physically fit and mentally balanced than any of the other blood types." Type B's tended to have a greater ability to adapt to altitude and interestingly, are statistically the tallest of the blood types.
For Type Bs the biggest factors in weight gain are corn, wheat, buckwheat, lentils, tomatoes, peanuts and sesame seeds. Each of these foods affect the efficiency of your metabolic process, resulting in fatigue, fluid retention, and hypoglycemia - a severe drop in blood sugar after eating a meal. When you eliminate these foods and begin eating a diet that is right for your type, you blood sugar levels should remain normal after meals. Another very common food that Type Bs should avoid is chicken. Chicken contains a Blood Type B agglutinating lectin in its muscle tissue. Although chicken is a lean meat, the issue is the power of an agglutinating lectin attacking your bloodstream and the potential for it to lead to strokes and immune disorders. Dr. D'Adamo suggests that you wean yourself away from chicken and replace them with highly beneficial foods such as goat, lamb, mutton, rabbit and venison. Other foods that encourage weight loss are green vegetables, eggs, beneficial meats, and low fat dairy. When the toxic foods are avoided and replaced with beneficial foods, Blood Type Bs are very successful in controlling their weight.
Blood group AB is called the Enigma, the most recently evolved type. In terms of dietary needs, his blood type diet treats this group as an intermediate between blood types A and B.
Type AB reflects the mixed inheritance of their A and B genes. According to Dr. D’Adamo, “Type AB has Type A’s low stomach acid, however, they also have Type B’s adaptation to meats. Therefore, you lack enough stomach acid to metabolize them efficiently and the meat you eat tends to get stored as fat. Your Type B propensities cause the same insulin reaction as Type B when you eat lima beans, corn, buckwheat, or sesame seeds.” Inhibited insulin production results in hypoglycemia, a lowering of blood sugar after meals and leads to less efficient metabolism of foods.
Type AB should avoid caffeine and alcohol, especially when you’re in stressful situations. Dr. D’Adamo recommends that Type AB focus on foods such as tofu, seafood, dairy and green vegetables if you are trying to lose weight. “Avoid all smoked or cured meats. These foods can cause stomach cancer in people with low levels of stomach acid,” recommends Dr. D’Adamo. There is a wide variety of seafood for Type AB, and it is an excellent source of protein for Type AB. A few highly beneficial fish are mahi-mahi, red snapper, salmon, sardines, and tuna.. Some dairy is also beneficial for Type AB – especially cultured dairy such as Yogurt and kefir.
Dr. D’Adamo also recommends smaller, more frequent meals, as they will counteract digestive problems caused by inadequate stomach acid and peptic enzymes. “Your stomach initiates the digestive process with a combination of digestive secretions, and the muscular contractions that mix food with them. When you have low levels of digestive secretions, food tends to stay in the stomach longer.” Explains D’Adamo. He also suggests that Type AB pay attention to combining certain foods. For example, you’ll digest and metabolize foods more efficiently if you avoid eating starches and proteins in the same meal.
Blood Type O
Type O’s also have a higher level of stomach acid than the other blood types, which often results in stomach irritation and ulcers. Dr. D’Adamo recommends a licorice preparation called DGL (de glycyrrhizinated licorice) which can reduce discomfort and aid healing. DGL protects the stomach lining in addition to protecting it from stomach acids. Avoid crude licorice preparations as they contain a component of the plant which can cause elevated blood pressure. This component has been removed in DGL. Dr. D'Adamo also recommends Mastic Gum and Bismuth to soothe Type O's common and even frequent tummy troubles.
Blood Type A

Many neurochemical factors in the Type A genetic disposition favor a structured, rhythmic, harmonious life, surrounded by a positive, supportive community. The harried pace and increased sense of isolation experienced by so many in today's society often make these needs difficult to achieve. Type A best exemplifies the powerful interconnections between mind and body. This was vital to the shift away from hunting and procurement to building and growing. However, Type A's more internalized relationship to stress, which served your ancestors well, can be a challenge for the modern Type A. The Blood Type Diet's proactive mix of lifestyle strategies, hormonal equalizers, gentle exercise and specialized dietary guidelines will maximize your overall health; decrease your natural risk factors for cancer, diabetes and cardiovascular disease. The result: high performance, mental clarity, greater vitality and increased longevity.
"When we discuss 'diet,' we are not talking necessarily about a weight loss plan, that's a side benefit to following this plan. We are actually discussing diet in the more traditional sense, meaning a way to eat," explains, Dr. D'Adamo. Type As flourish on a vegetarian diet - if you are accustomed to eating meat, you will lose weight and have more energy once you eliminate the toxic foods from your diet. Many people find it difficult to move away from the typical meat and potato fare to soy proteins, grains and vegetables. But it is particularly important for sensitive Type As to eat their foods in as natural a state as possible: pure, fresh and organic. "I can't emphasize enough how this critical dietary adjustment can be to the sensitive immune system of Type A. With this diet you can supercharge your immune system and potentially short circuit the development of life threatening diseases."
Blood Type B
As a Type B, you carry the genetic potential for great malleability and the ability to thrive in changeable conditions. Unlike blood types A and O, which are at opposite ends of every spectrum, your position is fluid, rather than stationary, with the ability to move in either direction along the continuum. It's easy to see how this flexibility served the interests of early Type B's who needed to balance the twin forces of the animal and vegetable kingdoms. At the same time, it can be extremely challenging to balance two poles and Type B's tend to be highly sensitive to the effects of slipping out of balance.
The primary challenges that can get in the way of optimum health for Type B include a tendency to produce higher than normal cortisol levels in situations to stress; sensitivity to the B specific lectins in select foods, resulting in inflammation and greater risk for developing Syndrome X; susceptibility to slow growing, lingering viruses - such as those for MS, CFS, and lupus; and a vulnerability to autoimmune diseases. "If I were to generalize," says Dr. D'Adamo, "I would say that a healthy Type B, living right for his or her own type, tends to have fewer risk factors for disease and tends to be more physically fit and mentally balanced than any of the other blood types." Type B's tended to have a greater ability to adapt to altitude and interestingly, are statistically the tallest of the blood types.
For Type Bs the biggest factors in weight gain are corn, wheat, buckwheat, lentils, tomatoes, peanuts and sesame seeds. Each of these foods affect the efficiency of your metabolic process, resulting in fatigue, fluid retention, and hypoglycemia - a severe drop in blood sugar after eating a meal. When you eliminate these foods and begin eating a diet that is right for your type, you blood sugar levels should remain normal after meals. Another very common food that Type Bs should avoid is chicken. Chicken contains a Blood Type B agglutinating lectin in its muscle tissue. Although chicken is a lean meat, the issue is the power of an agglutinating lectin attacking your bloodstream and the potential for it to lead to strokes and immune disorders. Dr. D'Adamo suggests that you wean yourself away from chicken and replace them with highly beneficial foods such as goat, lamb, mutton, rabbit and venison. Other foods that encourage weight loss are green vegetables, eggs, beneficial meats, and low fat dairy. When the toxic foods are avoided and replaced with beneficial foods, Blood Type Bs are very successful in controlling their weight.
Blood Type AB

Type AB reflects the mixed inheritance of their A and B genes. According to Dr. D’Adamo, “Type AB has Type A’s low stomach acid, however, they also have Type B’s adaptation to meats. Therefore, you lack enough stomach acid to metabolize them efficiently and the meat you eat tends to get stored as fat. Your Type B propensities cause the same insulin reaction as Type B when you eat lima beans, corn, buckwheat, or sesame seeds.” Inhibited insulin production results in hypoglycemia, a lowering of blood sugar after meals and leads to less efficient metabolism of foods.
Type AB should avoid caffeine and alcohol, especially when you’re in stressful situations. Dr. D’Adamo recommends that Type AB focus on foods such as tofu, seafood, dairy and green vegetables if you are trying to lose weight. “Avoid all smoked or cured meats. These foods can cause stomach cancer in people with low levels of stomach acid,” recommends Dr. D’Adamo. There is a wide variety of seafood for Type AB, and it is an excellent source of protein for Type AB. A few highly beneficial fish are mahi-mahi, red snapper, salmon, sardines, and tuna.. Some dairy is also beneficial for Type AB – especially cultured dairy such as Yogurt and kefir.
Dr. D’Adamo also recommends smaller, more frequent meals, as they will counteract digestive problems caused by inadequate stomach acid and peptic enzymes. “Your stomach initiates the digestive process with a combination of digestive secretions, and the muscular contractions that mix food with them. When you have low levels of digestive secretions, food tends to stay in the stomach longer.” Explains D’Adamo. He also suggests that Type AB pay attention to combining certain foods. For example, you’ll digest and metabolize foods more efficiently if you avoid eating starches and proteins in the same meal.
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